Part 31: Interlude 8 - Poachstravaganza Pt.1

All this attract mode is is some psudeo-deep stuff. Also the framerate tanks while it's playing.

This scene, like the last one, introduces two guys working with Goltana then promptly forgets them. Bolmna, Ivalice's sole black guy, is one. This guy is the other.

Ramza begins to narrate.

Zalbag! Remember that guy? Told us to go to Dorter, ordered Algus to shoot the arrow that killed Teta, didn't appear at all in chapter 2, that guy.

The goal is the capital.
It'll be 9 months before Ramza actually gets there.

Ramza gets no new abilities or equipment options this chapter. Bah.

Fist learns X-Potion, the strongest of potions.

Here's something new!

You need to have someone with Secret Hunt for the Fur Shops to be open. Even if they were, there's nothing to buy yet! Somewhere in Ivalice is a Maiden's Kiss from that pig I butchered.

...So in a few short moments, all those injured died? In reality, FFT got confused about the definition of "Casualty." Injured are counted in that.

Delita's got a Baron's position, eh? He's doing well for himself.

Ramza can't come forward with the truth. If he said "Draclau became an ancient demon so I killed him!" No one would believe the demon part.

Dammit, FFT! It's not a drought a decade ago, it's a drought of the likes hasn't been seen in decades!

A Twist Headband will adorn Ramza's head the entire chapter.
Well, when he's not a lancer.

Ninja Swords are for sale, but the important part is the Murasame. It's Draw Out ability restores HP.

Bags are weapons for women that deal random damage. The three for sale in stores increase MA, Speed, or auto-regain. The best bag is only from poaching.
...And it doesn't have the added effects that make the previous ones worth anything.

Kickin' rad! I like elemental shields!

FUCK! There went my money!

A recurring theme of chapter 3 is that there is cool shit to buy and Ramza is too poor to buy all of it in acceptable quantity.

Water attacks are comically rare, so it's basically resistances without issue.

Remember what I have that nullifies Lightning?

It's just a stronger sword for Agrias.

It's not elemental. Bleh.

Spears are pretty damn strong. Funny, then, that this poaching nonsense will end with getting the 3rd strongest spear in the game.

Selling stuff to make the money I need to buy all this shit.

But first, Mme. Eldena is gonna fetch me a Bull Demon. Notice how little Train she has? I didn't.

To Sweegy Woods! The ease of the random encounters here makes it good for taking two guys and a bunch of monsters to poach.

There's one of them!

First, it ends up absurdly difficult to get it to critical HP with a gun. Then I find out I'm not packing Train.

Murasame ignores Zodiac compatibility. It's a glitch.

Thunder Soul is annoying due to its range, but it's not dangerous.

Then it gets shot.

Forgetting that I forgot to bring Train, this Bull Demon is being a bastard about getting to critical HP.

Agrias unlocks Monk. A good way there...

The gun was dealing 42 instead of 36 damage. That means she has a good compatibility, so Invitation should be easier to apply.

Like that!

This is a lot of pigs. And that level 8 dragon is showing its age.

Sorry, Dirk Hardpec. You'll live on as an item.

I'm so sorry, please forgive me.

No remorse over the pig, though.

Hell yeah, Geomancer! It's got better PA than Holy Knight, and it can equip hats like the Twist Headband. Agrias stays in Geomancer for a damn long time becuase Geomancer is a very good job.

More girl-exclusive stuff. Perfumes are overpowered.

Oh look, permanent 1/3 damage reduction. Equip this, you've got, like, 33% more HP. Dirk lives on as an unfair accesssory.

The Chantage is pretty unassuming at first, just overpriced Reraise since Angel Rings cost 20,000 gil.
Except that it's bugged. The Reraise doesn't ever go away. The girl can get murdered a dozen times in one battle and keep popping back up. She's immortal.
I'll use the Chantage once, for Reef's fated stealing. It makes the whole process less tedious and random and annoying since I'll be stealing all 5 items the guy has.
Anyway, that's the start of the poachstravaganza. The rest of it will be mass pig murder mixed with me learning the intricate details of random encounters.