Part 32: Interlude 9 - Poachstravaganza, Pt.2
Or, OFS forgets how remembers how random battles work much to his dismay and yells at bulls.
You can sell stuff to Fur Shops and they hold on to it. The sale prices are the same as normal, so really you just put the item up for collateral and get some moeny.

Agrias is a Geomancer now, and she'll stay there until I get really good Knight Swords. It's a PA above the Holy Knight without the Twist Headband.

With her Monk JP I get her Counter.

I try poaching BocoVanderhuge only to remember the trick only works in 2 depth waters. I feel this is worth resetting over.

The rare poach of an Uribo is not worth the flood of Maiden's Kisses, especially since the common poach of a Wildbow is better.

I guess I'll do this while I'm trying to get some higher tiers of bull demon.

Gil isn't much, but 100 JP is always nice. It's even better to keep Norma and Eldena out of weak jobs while battling.

What, again?

Let me pick up some Math skills then.

Yeah, that pair. CT 5 always hits the caster (who has the AT) and, surprisingly often, everybody else in the whole battle.

But none of you idiots have unlocked Dancer yet!

Must've been a slow dance, then.

Now I'm a bit ahead of katanas. I like being that way.

While Eldena shows off the basics of Math Skill, Ramza will poach some higher tier piggies.

I poach my own piggies like it's going out of style.
Until I get sick of the fuckers and kick most of them out, but that'll be a while.

CT 5 being my only option is a little limiting. Basically, whoever has a CT that's a multiple of 5 gets hit by the chosen spell.

Eldena, for whatever reason, is the only person with a CT that's a multiple of 5 right now. She gets hit with Protect.

This time, Eldena, Ramza, and an enemy skeleton have CTs that are multiples of 5.

There's 4 parameters and 4 numbers, so you can play with Math Skill to hit only people you want to hit with a spell. Math Skill spells are instant and free, so they're pretty unfair even if you don't delve into the broken things.

Ramza ended up killing the skeleton and getting an outdated sword. Most poaches are like this, consumables or just bad equipment.

This, the Wildbow's common poach, is the famous Ribbon.

That's everything folks. Your hat is a small price for total status immunity, no?
Ribbons are hats. Not enough enemies (past Queklain anyway

Next, I try to get into Fovoham Plain's 3rd battle from the south entrance to just recruit the 2nd tier of Bull Demon, Minitaurus.

Instead, we get #1, with some Flotiballs and a Jura Avis.

This tier isn't any issue, but Ahrimans and Plagues can do some dangerous status-related stuff.

I fucking hate all birds forever.

After a few resets, the terrible truth dawns on me.
Battles #3 and #4 for every location only start at Chapter 4! With no Minutaurus spawns, I'll have to have my current Bull Demon breed one, then have that breed the Sacred I need.

I ran into a group of four Phantoms, so I had Daisoujou cast Mahamaon, and despite all the Expel weaknesses not a single one hit. No joke. I've never trusted any Expel spells but God's Bow since.
Anyway, these Chocobos are getting to be annoying and BocoVanderhuge's novelty ran out long ago.

Hey, wait, guess what's 14 characters?


Fucking. FINALLY.

Naw, just that Bull Demons aren't worth anything.

...You're fucking kidding me. At least make other Minitauruses!

Finally... Finally!


Aw shit just walking to Sweegy Woods got me a second one. I may have a shot at the Ivory Pole!
I don't get it, but it doesn't matter that much.

Murdering sacred cows with his fists and using their bones to make weapons.
Ramza is an American now.

No Ivory Pole, but no one at all cares.

It's stronger than any spear for sale, and it sometimes casts Holy. The whole spell, 50 multiplier and all. After jumps too.

Fist picks up Power Break, which I use once to make Taming something easier.

Ramza already has Martial Arts Ninja wrapped up, so Ramza starts playing in Lancer because Jump is worth noticing.
Double damage on absurdly strong weapons, baby.

Jump starts out with 1 panel range and a vertical tolerance of 1. Worse than the spear itself. However, a guy can learn to fall very far away and very high up or down. Lancer can be scroll glitched.

So can Mediator, if you want to skip the whole "mediocre job" part and take Equip Gun, Train, and Preach somewhere else.
Six more updates until I'm where the last Tactics LP attempted left off! Next, we go save someone who would rather read off naughty words than stop the whole galaxy.
Also Norma stumbles upon the castle of the liege of hell.