Part 34: Lesalia Imperial Capital

I'm still mad about it, yes.

I got tired of the novelty.

I also sell all these spiked shoes I have somehow obtained.

Fist gets a better gun. He's mildly useful now!

Eldena gets Sleep. Sleep lasts three times as long as Stop so it's really good.

Throw's range is the same as the Ninja's Move stat, so Ramza puts on his boots to fling things farther.

The seat of the royalty!
Except the king's dead, the queen's in prison, and the two heirs are safely behind giant armies that are killing each other quite rapidly.
Anyway, let's go see what old Monkey Bag is up to.

"She, like, won't stop bugging me about killing her best friend or something."

This is probably the most unintentionally funny line in the game that doesn't rely on a bad translation.

You know what? Screw monkey bag. We're going shopping.

For a giant axe.

Maybe they'll have something at Lionel.

Oh hey another battle that happens when you try to step off of the location.

And deployment screens that tell you nothing about the battle and have Ramza despite him cutsceneing it up.

Struttin' out like it ain't no thing.

Damn, caught.

Alma covers her face with her hands, almost starting to cry when Ramza speaks again.

In the Shakespearean sense, this would be the climax of Ramza's tale, the place where everything starts to go poorly. Romeo murders Tybalt. Hamlet murders Polonius. Caeser gets stabbed. Ramza is proclaimed a heretic.

Alma's a guest, and she comes with a pair of otherwise poach-only items and some neat shoes that increase Move and MA.

She has Wish in addition to the spells Ovelia had.

Well, ain't this dumb.

Zalmo himself is a fairly well equipped Holy Priest. His robe is two tiers above the Wizard Robe, and it halves fire, ice, and lightning damage. It's worth a steal if you like someone with Summoner main for the extra HP and MP.

He has a few high-end White Magic spells and Magic Sword spells.
Not Yin-Yang, Magic Sword. That's why he never casts them, he has a stick, not a sword.

Zalmo ends up interesting compared to other bosses. He resists lower level attack magic through his robe, he stops arrows, and his mantle gives him a 1/4 chance to evade all damage. His minions do the heavy lifting while he heals them with his magic.

Speaking of which these guys have Diamond armor, so they have some serious HP.

Ramza hurls an axe at Zalmo. A whole fucking giant axe. It hits the guy in the face.

Ramza, the appropriate response to being suspected for heresy is to not throw an axe at a member of the clergy.
That's, like, heresy or something.

a few moments ago posted:

I love Teleport. Ramza probably would have to handle the whole battle himself if it weren't for Norma just poofing over the wall.

She uses MBarrier on Ramza, I don't think I've seen her not do it.

It really helps the "handle the whole battle" thing.

I hope it works...!

Aw shit yeah!


He's charging a spell, so Fist shoots him. Fist would shoot Faram himself if that's what it took to be considered useful.

Oh, that's what he's charging. Okay. That's not much.

Ramza pummels him down anyway.

He teleports away.

If the previous unintentionally funny thing wasn't the best, this is.

Alma Beoulve is the daughter of the distinguished Heavenly Knight Balbanes Beoulve. She is 18.

Ramza catches himself, what is he saying?

Immediately afterwards, Ramza takes her stuff. And Norma gets her shoes.

Alma Beoulve is the daughter of the distinguished Heavenly Knight Balbanes Beoulve. She is 18.