Part 36: The Shrine Knights

Oh look, it doesn't indicate anything about the battlefield
at all. You start out below 4 height walls and there's a summoner ready to pelt your condensed unit with summons.
First of all, listen to this song. Under The Stars is a completely amazing track and I earnestly wish it played in more places.

: Heretic Ramza, hand us the stone!

: No, why don't you give me yours? Do as I say and I'll let you live!

: You think you can beat us?! Then I'll take it by force!

Izlide has great stuff - you can't have because he has Maintenance. That sword in particular would be a great friend for Agrias.

His Battle Skill is the same as a regular Knight's, while his Jump is only the level 8 versions, and he has both. You aren't safe from falling Izludes in this fight, but he uses a sword instead of a spear so it isn't more damaging than his regular attack.
Also, the class is supposed to be
Nightblade. It equips swords, knight swords, ninja swords, and spears.

This summoner is even weaker than the ones at Goug.

He can still get your unit with a summon before you have a proper chance to respond.

And all these arches make figuring out Line of Sight difficult.

: Though you're a Beoulve, you don't obey your brothers. Why?

: It's because I'm a Beoulve that I don't obey them! The name shouldn't be used for self-gain, but rather for divine 'justice'! During the War, my father fought and died to save the people from invasion... Beoulves must not fight for a defunct royal family, but only for Noble rights!

: Then, let's fight together! Our goals are the same! Listen well, Ramza! The Glabados want a world where all people are equal! St. Ajora's ideal world, is 'God's world'! You know people don't trust the royal family or nobility! We must do something before Ivalice is ruined!!

: You started this war! Was that the will of God?

: Certain sacrifices must be made for the revolution! Decadent royalty and nobles must pay! For the people! Now, cooperate with us. As Delita did!

He decides to leap on Fist.

It's hard to catch a guy jumping up.
...Which makes it funnier when he lands to chat with Ramza some.

: but what you really want is... a stronger army than the Knights, and the evil power to control the people.

: 'Evil power'? No, the stone is 'holy'! We want to guide people by God's miracle! Never "evil power"!

: You know the Cardinal joined Lucavi, right? If that's not 'evil power', I don't know whatis!

: What do you mean? You killed the Cardinal and took the stone from him! But he died because he was secretly collecting the Holy Stone for us.

Then he leaps right back up.
Since he's in the air, Ramza can't punch him, so he punches one of the knights.

Aha, now you're open!

Like Wiegraf at Fovoham Plains, Izlude runs away at critical HP.

: I can't die... I must bring the stone back! Ramza, The next time I see you, will be your last! Remember!
Izlude, being a villain, teleports away upstairs.

: Wait! Izlude!!

I use this less than you think I would because Ramza's other job of choice is Lancer, and you can't wield two spears.

Oh look, an absolutely tiny area that won't let me avoid AoE attacks sufficiently.

Ramza chases Izlude to the entrance when-

Izlude has Alma captured!

A familiar man dressed in Shrine Knight garb walks in.
It's... Wiegraf?!
Izlude does as instructed and pulls Alma along.

: You, come this way!

: Brother Ramza, help me!
Izlude escapes with Alma just as Ramza arrives.

: Here's Ramza! It would be a fatal mistake to underestimate them! Don't let your guard down!!

His knights and archers and wizards are a nonissue.

Oh shi-

Dammit, there went Norma! I knew keeping her with a Wizard Robe would cause me problems eventually.

Let's try that again, using a Chameleon Robe. The swordskills being listed as holy might confound the AI, and the added HP will-

He doesn't mind the robe and Stasis Sword got a critical hit. I say to myself "fuck it" and decide to go it down a character.

Excuse me while I splice the two conversations here together. Speed is of the essence in this battle so I miss the second one.

: Been a long time, Ramza. Glad to see you again!!

: You've become a dog for the church and have forsaken your ideals!

: You don't understand how hard it is to fulfill your ideal. Even if your ideal is great, it's just a dream if you can't fulfill it! So how can you fulfill it? You need power! That's the politics of the world! I can see it clearly now! You can't fulfill your dreams without power! You say I'm a dog of the church! Go ahead!! I don't care! You can despise me, but I'll be laughing at the end. You'll all submit to me!

: I pity you, Wiegraf. Even if you couldn't fulfill your dream, your people wouldn't have forgotten you. Your ideals and actions inspired your people and stirred up the old Noble customs! Your actions have meaning only if they hold true to your ideals... Miluda and your old comrades would be disappointed with your current choice of actions. If you need someone else to fulfill your dreams it loses its value, Wouldn't you agree?

: You say you are different? You say you depend on no one? You'll never know the feeling of the 'Meager'! You may think you know it, but you've never lived it! You'd never know! 'Reality' is far harsher than you can possibly imagine. Why do you blame me? You have no right to blame me!

Wiegraf has Two Hands, so he forgoes a shield in order to swing his sword even harder. His Crystal Helmet is the best buyable helmet and the 3rd best in the game.
Wiegraf in this fight is hard if you aren't expecting it because of the sheer force of his attacks. Two Hands will do that. But, because he moves before his lackeys and takes a position right above you, he is a prime target. Take him out quickly, because he'll deign to do the same to you.

Not listening to words, perhaps Wiegraf will listen to fists.

Oh, nice, a critical hit!

: I'm...a member...of Zodiac Braves... with 'Aries'... I... can't... lose... like this!

: Where are you! Wiegraf!

The gil for this whole scenerio has been excellent, however. It'll help.

With a thunderstorm brewing, Wiegraf crawls to the foot of Izlude, who has an unconscious Alma with him.

: Are you okay? Wiegraf!!

: Don't worry...about me... Just...go!

: Go... I...

: Sorry, Wiegraf!
Izlude races off.

: Goho! Damn....I can't die here. I can't face my dead allies without avenging Miluda... No.... I don't want to die...

A purple stone, marked Aries, falls from Wiegraf's robes.

Then, of it's own accord, it begins to float!

And with a release of vile energy, it begins to... speak?!

: What...? The stone... spoke?

: Is this the stone's secret?

The stone shines, as though it is pleased.

Once the air clears, a demon stands where Wiegraf once laid!

: Wiegraf ...!

: Ramza, its power is magnificent! No, not just the power. Centuries of knowledge ingrained into my brain.
Quickly, Ramza draws his sword!

: Hya, ha...superb...Superb power......!

Velius teleports away, not wanting to waste his sublime power on a mere mortal like Ramza just yet.

Then, Simon stumbles out of the monastery, before collapsing on Ramza.

: H, here...

He hands Ramza a book.

: What is this book?

: Germonik, a disciple of St. Ajora wrote it... It had been missing...till I found it in the underground library.... It explains in detail about the Zodiac Brave Story...

: Please, don't try to talk!

: That's all right...... I'm a sinner... I knew of the church's wrong doing... but said nothing... You can bring them to justice with this book! You can bring Alma back with this book...

: Simon!!

: Whew, now I can finally rest. Take care of the rest... Ramza.... You're just like Balbanes... when he was young.
Feeling that he has finally righted whatever wrong was disturbing him, Simon closes his eyes for the last time...