Part 38: Interlude 10 - Sister's kidnapped? No big rush.

Right, so once again we're caught in something at Dorter while leaving Orbonne.

The rain that started yesterday is pouring.

A guy dashes to somewhere dry while a woman bemoans the endless torrents. Ramza walks through when he's stopped by someone.

If you say no, he mocks you for being dumb. But we've read the Germonik Scriptures, or at least listened to Microsoft Sam read them.

The wizard slips into the shadows, leaving Ramza to ponder his words.

Why doesn't Ramza just go to Riovanes from Fovoham plains? Who knows?
Also, an oddity is that the exotic wizard is already in the Brave Story, with details Ramza won't know until he meets the guy again at Yadrow Fort City, the 2nd red dot on the way to Riovanes.
However, Ramza must go shopping.

+2 MA for Wizards. In the weapon slot. That they don't otherwise use for much.

I don't use this stick because Innocent reduces the target's Faith to 0. Why jab a guy if it means he can't be hurt by magic anymore? It doesn't quite help that my main stick-user is also the main user of magic.

It's got a fairly good magic evasion, along with a 1/3 chance of blocking phyiscal attacks, but is that worth it over stopping elemental magic, or 1/2 of magic blocked and extra MA?
...Is it? I so rarely use midgame shields that I can't really evaluate them. I stick with a Flame Shield on Agrias.

The Black Hood is the second hat since the Leather Hat to have nothing besides HP, and it's the last. I skip this one and stick with Holy Miters and Twist Headbands.

This! This however is great. Ramza and Agrias wear them immediately.

But wait, there's more!

Every element boosted. Hell yeah.

I was just having issues with my mage's HP when this lovely number comes up! It protects from elemental magic along with a hefty MP boost!

When you try to walk off of Dorter, This cutscene plays.
You should watch it unless you just can't stand WoTL's animated cutscenes. It's easily the best one.

Delita walks in the hollowed out shell of a chapel, where he finds Ovelia, forced to become the Queen by Goltana, listening to the birds.

Delita clenches his fist and shouts-

She quickly hugs Delita upon those words.

And he returns her embrace...
The scene ends on this note. Back to Ramza's group.

Quick random encounter to raise some capital. There's a lot to buy, and an item will show up next shop upgrade that will eat all my money.

It's nice to have a sword whose only function is "hurts people" after dealing with all the gimmick swords.

Some proposition treasures are really weird. The girls got this for guarding a wagon.

The stories surrounding King Mesa are the only evidence that a world-ending apocalypse happened we get.
I should really stop doing so many propositions.

Then again, you get some interesting swag, like a sword made out of coins.

Sometimes you find the forbidden land.

Did you get some endgame equipment from there?
Did you find the Sage job?
Did you at least get Ninja?
Wait, we already have that. Dammit.

Elemental boosts are serious business, as if hitting the damage cap wasn't evidence enough.

And last but not least, this was the darkened items won't appear.
I have too many items for the the darkened items to appear.