Part 39: Grog Hill

No, it's not some sort of booze hill. WoTL tries to hide the name by calling it Grogh, which... really doesn't work.

I try to have a real formation, but since the enemy includes gun-using chemists and archers atop the hill there's no real point to it.
Ramza breaks formation for the talking again anyway.

: Are you a Nanten patrol?

: We're tired of fighting! We want to go home! We'd rather be poor and covered with mud than this! We're sick of killing! We want to return to our families!

: Wait! We're not after you! We have no desire to fight! Don't misunderstand!

: Don't lie! You expect us to believe you? Trying to get us off guard then kill us! Well none of your tricks will work!

: It's him! The 'heretic! You know! If we bring him to them, they may let us off!!

: You mean... going back to the Knights?

: Getting a 'heretic's big. Like getting enemy brass! If we get him, they might give us a discharge, too.

: That's right... I know a guy discharged in an exchange.

: We can go home big! Otherwise, we'll have to live in hiding as deserters!

: Right! Let's catch him! We can even kill him! He's a 'heretic', they'll execute him sooner or later.

Compared to the previous few battles, fighting these guys is a relief. They're all simple jobs and, even though they have good equipment, they aren't above shop level and they don't have any ridiculous things like Holy Sword abilities.

Instead, let's show off Ramza's amazing ability!

...To miss twice.

Everyone who can targets Norma. Auto-Potion triggers on every hit.
That's not pleasant when X-Potions cost so much.

Agrias is dealing a lot of damage now that she's got a lot of PA-boosting gear and a good sword with Attack UP.

Awesome, I caught the muzzle flash.

Poor thing, as fate would have it, Ramza punches twice.

Norma's having a bad day. She keeps getting shot and none of her space/time manipulation is working.

Yeah, chemists revive each other. It's more annoying than dangerous.

Agrias ends the battle with a Lightning Stab that's rightly going to do more damage than a Lightning Stab should.
Having fought soldiers who wanted him dead just to go home, Ramza begins to wonder about his choices.

Then suddenly, some men arrive.

It's a unit of Nanten knights, led by-

: A Black Lion's crest.... You're a Nanten?

: So, you killed the deserters for us. I never thought a Beoulve would help us.

: Not because I wanted to.

: I know. You didn't want to fight, right? Same here. I don't go after deserters because I want to. You know what I mean.

: You knew me...

: Yeah, I saw your name and face on the wanted list... As a dangerous 'heretic', what did you do?

: Our job's to catch deserters. No need for us to be involved. But your brothers are after you. Run before they come.
Ramza begins to leave, but a thought strikes him.

: Why do you continue to fight?

: As long as your brothers point swords at us, it'll continue...

: So if Larg quits, Goltana would, too?

: But that won't ever happen.

: If you see Orlandu of Nanten, let me know. Some are urging Larg and Goltana for 'gain'. We're in the palm of their hands...They're the real ones to beat.

: Why Orlandu?

: Do you believe me?

: I don't know why they're trying to collect holy stones. If it's for the people, I won't interrupt. But, if it's for self gain, Orlandu won't allow it. He'll promise to kill in the name of 'T.G. Cid'.

: Do you know of the High Priest's plan?

: Yes, but there is no proof. We're investigating it, but you may know better.

: If we prove it, would you stop fighting?

: Do you have proof?

: Here's the 'Germonik...'

: No one knows whether the war will end or not. But I'm sure... Orlandu would quit...

: Olan, shall we go?

: All right, I'm coming! I must go, Ramza. Take care.
But when Olan gets to the bottom of the staircase, he turns to Ramza and says...

: You have friends! Allies who'd risk their lives! I'm one of them!
Olan's group leaves.
The next stop on Ramza's journey to Riovanes is Yadrow Fort City...