Part 40: Yardow Fort City

The center is a tree. This arrangement screen really doesn't tell you that the enemies are coming form the top, not the direction the arrow is.

The exotic wizard is talking to a girl of similar appearance.

Yeah, somehow we already know her name is Rafa.

Malak slaps his sister for insulting the person who saved their lives.

"You know, don't you? You know of the...the thing he did to me. You are my brother, you know of this, and even yet you-" Is the line in WoTL. I might as well mention it now, there's a running theory that Barinten raped Rafa. A later scene is more evidence, but I figured I should mention it right now.
As far as I can tell, it's never been confirmed what "the thing" exactly is but the FF wiki thinks there's enough evidence to proclaim the rape an absolute fact.

Rafa runs to Ramza's group!

And she shouts-

Thus begins the long, sordid tale of escorting Rafa, the wunderkind of Riovanes.

This is the first battle against enemy Ninja. Ninja have chaotic equipment selections, mixing flails, knives, and ninja swords with wild abandon, but having two weapons usually renders them uncomfortably dangerous regardless.

Malak himself doesn't know what good equipment is. A Linen Robe? Really?

I should mention this now, no summoner has had more MA than the ones at Bariaus Hill. They've been hovering around those numbers. Summoners are getting less dangerous because they're being static while your team is growing. The Magic Ring prevents Berserk and Silence, and the Gold Staff is a plain cudgel.

Malak is a Hell Knight, and his Un-Truth is... interesting, we'll see it when he casts Heaven Bolt Back.

Rafa, to contrast, is a Heaven Knight.

Thank goodness for mantles!

He's got a Heaven Bltback on Rafa.

I assure you that this will end pitifully.

But first, Ramza shoves his balls in Malak's face.

Agrias brutalizes one of the ninjas.

First off, Un-Truth uses the inverse of Faith to deal damage. The less faith the target has, the more damage. Rafa believes really hard so Malak can barely scratch her. Truth just ignores Faith.

Second, it hits several times in a random panel in its area of affect. This makes it unlikely to hit even once. Furthermore, these spells have really good vertical tolerance so it's hard to cut out panels to focus the spells.
So they don't hit hard and they rarely hit.
Truth and Un-truth are bad skills.

Time Magic is a good skill.

Malak gets back at Ramza for earlier!

Innocent reduces the affected's Faith to 0. This might be the game being witty by making Malak's spells as powerful as possible, but maybe they didn't want to give him an Octagon Rod or Ivory Pole.

Ramza begins his Godless rampage by killing people in the streets. I guess Religion is the only source of morality! \/

Wait, he did that anyway. carry on.

I finally got the swirling clouds in all their glory! Malak and the summoner get blown to bits.

He teleports away. The last summoner is quickly excused from life.

Later, in a shack...

A... frog hops in. Malak can apparently talk through frogs.

Then the frog explodes. I couldn't make this shit up.

What awaits Ramza and Rafa at Riovanes? Ruinous roads to rue? Revelations rendering them reeling?