Part 41: Yuguo Woods

Oracles have a spell that reduces brave by 30. It's usable with Math Skill. If a character hits 9 or less Brave, they turn into a chicken unless they're immune to the status. Chickens try to run and hide and gain 1 Brave a turn until they return to normal.

Rafa has some okay stuff. She isn't going to be a major liability.
And the next two battles with her she can explode and be a pile of ash for all the game cares. The second time may make the battle easier if Rafa explodes.

+80 HP, +50 MP, prevents Silence. Summoners will like this because the sheer MP is more valuable to them than the 1 MA of the Holy Miter.

+60 HP, +30 MP, strengthens Fire, Ice, and Lightning. The girls will love these, and Agrias dons one as soon as Icebrands become available.

Sprint Shoes. If you really need the 1 speed for something, like getting the drop on a boss.

The Bracer.
There went all the money. The motherfucking Bracer! 3 PA! Holy shit Ramza could tear houses apart with that! Agrias can achieve some serious damage!
I just need 100,000 gil. Well, I buy Ramza one.

Believe it or not, Ramza is capable of rendering every boss in the game but Zodiac demons dead in two punches.

Yardow has only one proposition, so that's it for the things until chapter 4.

Platinum Sword. Swords skip over 11 and go to 12 WP. Agrias is thankful.

Maybe I'm crazy, but it seems the Circlet and Platina Helmet become available at the same time, so there's no reason to even get the Platina Helmet. Circlet's up to 100 HP.

On the armor side, it's just one tier, to the Platina Armor at 90 HP.

I get into some random encounters to make some money for Agrias's Bracer.
And to level some because I'm scared shitless of being behind in speed. the HP, MP, PA, and MA are incidental, keeping up with speed is what drives me to level sometimes.

At trade cities the next katana, the Kiyomori, went up for sale. It's 100% accurate Protect and Shell.
Yup, add buffs to the list of things Draw Out can do.

Norma picks up Haste2. Unlike the other Status2 spells, Haste2 is more accurate, in addition to having vertical tolerance and not being reflectable and not being a waste of time like Slow2 is. Sure, 15 speed is a lot less than 50, no kidding, but it's worth it at the start of a battle.

Haste2's incantation.

then she hit everybody with Haste.

Eventually, Agrias gets her Bracer and joins Ramza in having much more PA than is rightly necessary.

It's dangerous in that laughing to death is a genuine danger with how bad it is.

Now, all of the sudden, katanas are breaking on me with some regularity.
I wanna go back to early chapter 3 where the things were indestructible.

I have way too many pigs.

I keep only a Wildbow, and name it Buff Drinklots and kick out his innumerable children. I am getting tired of pigs.

The next battle has some mages and undead, and I've been meaning to get Ramza some Lancer JP.

Norma and Eldena become Time Mages to get the group some Teleport. The only difference in their set-ups is the secondary.

This battle is full of ghosts, including undead Time Mages and Wizards.

Terrible isn't i-


The undead Time Mages and Wizards have unique jobs, with higher HP than normal, and auto-undead and auto-float.
EQ: Staff, Hat, Clothes, Robe, Accessory
IMMUNE: Invite, Darkness, Blood Suck, Reraise, Transparent, Poison, Regen,
Charm, Death Sentence
INNATE: Auto-Undead, Auto-Float, Monster Skill
HPM: 100 | MPM: 120 | SpM: 110 | PAM: 50 | MAM: 135 | Move: 3 | C.Ev: 05%
HPC: 11 | MPC: 10 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 65 | MAC: 48 | Jump: 3 |

Poor Gust, since Oil is bugged and literally does nothing, all he has is Throw Spirit.

Ramza jabs ghosts with his sacred lance that deals unnecessary amounts of damage. Norma hits things with Heaven's Cloud, Eldena puts Cures and Holies on things that don't want to suffer those spells, and Agrias Lightning Stabs away things on the other side.
Including Rafa. I don't want her to suck up any JP or EXP from the cool kids. I should mention that her Truth has only two spells, which is obviously too few for a real magic-ish skillset. Like Mustadio and Agrias, I'll end up with, internally, a different Rafa than this one.

Eldena cures away the last ghost. Despite the numbers, this battle is simple if you focus on the mages before the ghosts and equip plenty of elemental resistance to stop the attack magic.

Too bad Ramza, this place has a rare battle.

Due to the lack of a significant shop upgrade once chapter 4 starts and all the rare battles and chain battles, I end up with quite the surplus of money. Wish I had that for the rest of this chapter.
Anyway, the end of Chapter 3 is coming up, as Riovanes is near...