Part 45: Interlude 11 - Fat-Bottomed... Ramza

Ramza walks into the banquet hall. During this scene, a conversation between Ramza and Malak about the nature of the holy stones appears as a sort of voice-over.

"Return to the side of the valiant - the one whose heart beats true."
This is the location of chapter 3's title drop.

Ramza finds the Pisces stone.

He looks over his shoulder to Izlude's broken body. The conversation continues.

...No, Ramza, I mean, what.
What did... What are... I mean... Huh?!

Ramza's saying something to the effect of "I thought the stones were only for evil, made by Lucavi as a portal."
But, remember, Rafa used the stone's power to revive her dear brother. Malak concludes that the result of the stone's power depends on who's using it.
This is a big part of the sidequests for chapter 4, as it involves Ramza and Mustadio and Besrodio using the stones for constructive purposes.

This is the only chapter transition without a timeskip.

Rafa and Malak (or Rafa and a free 108 Gems) join Ramza's crew. Rafa will be used for Move-Find Item junk. Malak will rot in obscurity.

Thankfully, you get to save in the middle of the cutscenes. Especially after those last two fights.

Matsuno was a big Queen fan, so I've heard.

Listen to this. It's badass.

Count Orlandu is looking out a window when Olan walks in.

Orlandu pulls out the Libra stone.

The first goal of Chapter 4 is to reach Zeltennia.
Officially, anyway. I spend a damn long time dicking around.

This volcano popped up, linking Riovanes to Zeklaus Desert.

Oh damn, Agrias is gonna love this one. Her Holy Sword will get a boost from a Black Robe bigger than what the Power Sleeve could give.

Rafa goes into Chemist to get Move-Find Item.
You see, there's two items from every item panel, a common and a rare. That kind of terminology is a bit suspect, though, as it's dependent on brave. You have a Brave% chance of getting the common item. Rafa is really cowardly to start, so I use her to pick up rare items.
Most places don't have much for move-finding, free equipment somewhere around shop level, but there's a few maps which have unique items.

You'll notice Ramza's in a new outfit. I guess he raided Barinten's closet. Ramza's chapter 4 outfit has a very fitting nickname.
I'll give you a shot of Ramza form behind, using a cutscene from later.

Buttpants. I can't think of anything else to add here.

+1 Speed, PA, MA, +10 Brave. Ramza's Squire now has something that makes Guts so utterly worth it over cheering up other people to fill time.
You see all those dashes? That's where Ultima would be if Ramza learned it. I haven't shown it, but Summoners have a spot like that, too. Ultima and the last summon need to be learned "blue mage style" by getting hit by the spell.
You can actually teach some spells like Fire/Ice/Bolt4, Haste2, and Bahamut, for examples, this way.
Rare as hell, as the chance of learning the spell is the chance the spell will show up from crystalization.

85 HP, 10 MP, and Earth Boost/Absorption. For the folks without Power Sleeves.

Beautiful, isn't it?

Ramza, stop being creepy. You're already showing off your bum to everyone behind you.

I'm going to do some crazy things for money. Pardon me.