Part 46: Interlude 12 - Dragon Attack

Fans of Alkydere and Katarani Sword's FFTA2 LP may remember Minymum as the auctioneer with a hojillion coins who never bets them.
Here, Minimum has door problems.

These are the last two rumors, excepting sidequest-based ones, despite how much happens in Chapter 4.

We get the Minu Orb for opening Minimum's vault.

Now he can't even get the door to his house open.
The brave story reports on propositions say that Count Minimum is a noted philanthropist, and beloved by the people for it.

Arrogant, aren't we?

This treasure was on the back cover of the Prima Games strategy guide. Why? Ask Prima.
They may just never find out the answer, though.

Eldena gets 3, the last thing she was missing.

Just cast Reflect and it'll kill itself with Globe 199.
The rewards for this one are just gil and JP.

On a later proposition, I get this.
Now if only I had a chocobo...

Ruin hunting reveals another final dungeon.

I also get a dungeon that looks like the final one.

Now we're hunting Jack the Ripper.
Propositions make little sense.
Anyway, over in Goug...

This scene won't happen if you don't have Mustadio in your party. If you don't, you don't get any of the magical things from the sidequests.

When Ramza gets close, it reacts to the Zodiac Stones!

Incidentally, this opens up a chain battle in Goland Coal City where you help a guy with an improper literary allusion for a name fight inexplicable battles.

Rare book of some kind, reward for catching Jack the Ripper.

Norma already has Golem and Leviathan, so Fairy, a stronger healing spell than Moogle, is next.

Sammite Falls, the first dungeon of FFII.

Anyway, I've been working my way to Lionel to get to Bariaus Valley from the south.

In addition to the 3rd and 4th battles, each location has a rare battle from a specific direction.

This... is not it.
Rare battles often have unusual formations and enemies, some even have guests on your side!

Remembering what's at Bariaus Valley, I give Agrias Fire and Lightning protection.

This is it! In addition to all three kinds of chocobos it has the most mighty of monsters.

Tiamats. Tiamats are the 3rd tier of Hydra. They're powerful.

They can fly and their Triple Flame and Triple Thunder attacks are brutal.

But before that-

Oh dammit...

I've somehow avoided Red Chocobos up to this point and I'm glad I did. Choco Meteor hurts for being unavoidable.

It's like Rafa and Malak's skills, except without vertical tolerance and a lot of power. They hit harder and are much more reliable since it ends up hitting fewer panels.

Anyway, the first obstacle is the Red Chocobo.

She spawned with all her Chemist JP spent so I have to still work for move-find item. Bleh.

Muramasa is awesome. It's pretty strong at a 15 multiplier.

It killed the yellow chocobo and knocked the Tiamat into critical. Once Eldena gets over there and bonks it on the head, I'll have my own-

Oh no

This won't end well.

The first two zaps missed but the last one hits her square on the noggin.

I can't leave two of them alive.

Raise's incantation. I never thought I'd be seeing-

Oh no.

Even with her White Robe halving Lightning damage, Eldena is gonna get hit all three times.

Well shit, this has gone terribly.

I'll have to try this again. I'm not leaving without a Tiamat.

Norma gets a hairpin for HP. I'd like her to be able to survive a Triple Thunder.

Then I decide that's not sufficient. I don't want to have to fuck around with ~35% Invitations while there's a Tiamat bearing down on me, and trying to hit a monster with 5 move and fly with a rod is a hell of a lot of work when it's a Tiamat.
Math skill time.

Fist comes along in case someone gets blown up again.

She's got 108 Gems equipped. 108 Gems prevents Frog.

It hits one of the Tiamats, and one is enough for me.

It also gets Ramza and Norma. Whoops.

Ice sword against an Ice-weak monster.

Fist cures some Frog so Ramza can spend his time cheering people up.

It can't use any of it's abilities while a frog. Frogs are essentially helpless unless the frog has Black Magic, then it's able to toggle froghood with their own Frog.

Norma's on a 5 height panel and none of the monsters are.

Muramasa's incantation. Ahrimans have status inflicting abilities so I don't want it messing anything up.

This would be a little bit of overkill, so Agrias kills the other frog.

It's a dead frog.

Eventually, Eldena gets over there and hits it over the head.

Now it's my Tiamat.

Bonas? That's a bad name. Too easy to make a dirty joke out of it.

Now you're Smash Lampjaw.

And Ramza finally learns how to scream his lungs out.

That's the first of twenty Rare battles finished. I will be finding and completing all twenty, no matter the cost.