Part 47: Interlude 13 - It's a Hard Life

Saving before this, four battles in a row with a good share of nasties.

First, read this rumor in Goland Coal City after seeing the scene with the metal ball in Goug, then go to Lesalia Imperial Capital.

Something about this line just gets me. It's a damn lot of characterization for Ramza to go to a bar and order milk, when most men want to drown in booze.

A group of a future Sage, Hunter, and Blue Mage talk about the events in Goland. The archer remains quiet, wondering if he should go with Sage or Illusionist.

I do.

The gossip corner goes unhindered.

But when Ramza begins to leave, the lone gentleman stops him.

You have no idea how helpful you are, Beowulf.

Beowulf joins with some very... confused equipment.

I upgrade his sword and robe, leave his helmet to compensate for the robe, and give him an Elf Mantle to compliment the shield.

Beowulf is a Temple Knight, the famous Oracle+. His Magic Sword is more accurate and instant versions of Oracle spells.

But some Yin-Yang spells hit an area, and he can't target himself with Faith, and he needs a sword to use them!
This is not a very big deal, actually. Beowulf is an excellent character because he has instant Sleep and Petrify and Faith that's quite accurate. Beowulf is Fist's replacement because I just love using him that much, and since you've voted to not use the Holy Swordsman too much, once Beowulf joins for good I've got the final crew together. Barring odd circumstances, the final team is Ramza/Norma/Eldena/Agrias/Beowulf.
Also, he spawns with around 1200 JP in Oracle for some reason.

Goland has battles on it now.

The battles before the one with the Holy Dragon don't make much sense, they're mostly non-sequitors with interesting things to look at, at least.

Since Fist is going to be replaced shortly, we'll have a different special guest for each battle!
Today's guest: The Tiamat Smash Lampjaw!

The first battle is against a damn lot of Chemists. They all have mythril guns.

Smash cares not. He's gonna tear things up in every battle he's in.
That Triple Thunder is doing 156 a hit, by the way.

Beowulf hits a Chemist I can't quite see for the ramp in the way.

Norma's Auto Potion never quite activates so she gets shot to death.
And she keeps getting shot before she can even act.

Agrias almost kills a chemist in a single Lightning Stab.

Smash immolates another who is standing on a staircase. All four adjacent panels have different heights, so he has to get hit three times.

Agrias uses Blizzard, the snow Elemental ability, to get a couple of EXP and JP in.

Smash burns the guy to death. He utterly dominated the battle by himself.
Tiamats are awesome.

This must be a mythril mine since all the battle trophies are mythril equipment. It's a bit of extra gil. Sadly, there's no Mythril Gun for a chunk of extra gil.