Part 48: Interlude 14 - Funny How Love Is
Well, I just got Let us Cling Together so I may end up ignoring this thread to play that. Matsuno has a vacuum cleaner for my money.But for now,

Originally, I brought Smash Lampjaw, I first intended to use him the entire way through because he's so strong.
But two things caused me to reset.

First, there's a King Behemoth here. Behemoths have some interesting Monster Skill abilities so I want to get it.

A Dark Behemoth with Monster Skill is the only way I know of that the player can cast Almagest in any FF game.

Second, this guy has the first magic gun, the Blaze Gun.

The behemoth is a vanity trophy, the Blaze Gun is my real prize.

So, today's guest is Reef Blastbody, ready to perform her second gun heist.

Beowulf goes straight to fighting the Thief in this alcove that's in front of the King Behemoth.

More often than not, this thief is entirely capable of jumping over Beowulf's head and landing behind him.

That opens up the Behemoth to goring him.

Magic guns like the Blaze Gun cast magic instead of regular bullets. The formula ends up being like a regular spell with the gun's power instead of MA, so this is like casting Ice at 20 MA. Since it's independent of stats besides Faith, they're still good for low-stat characters. Mustadio and Mediators can wear a Black Robe with one.
Oh yeah, the Blaze Gun casts ice spells. The Glacier Gun is the fire one.

Ramza stabs the thief to death to make taming the King Behemoth easier.

Beowulf has an Aegis Shield, which prevents Eldena's Yin-Yang magic from hitting. I ought to get Beowulf Concentrate as his own Magic Sword is subject to evasion/

Instead, Eldena blows him to bits. He's a guest so I'll just revive him once the behemoth is tamed.

Reef manages to get the gun pretty easily. Thank goodness.

Ramza screams, increasing all his stats. It's what I do with him when he can't hurt someone. It makes him faster so he screams more frequently so he's pretty strong by the time he reaches the enemy.

Remember, the hit just has to end with the monster in critical. It's how I got Smash Lampjaw, too.

Now Beowulf can rejoin us, now that he won't cut down our new buddy.

There's also a thief up top and a regular Behemoth, but neither is a big worry.

Kryusa is supposed to lay a Dark Behemoth, who I'd give a Space Mutiny name, but so far all I've gotten are regular behemoths so Kryusa remains.

On to the third battle!

At this point the idea of having a different person each battle seemed like a fine plan.

So this time it's Rafa Galthana who still needs Move-Find Item.

There's a pig, a pair of Blue Dragons, and a pair of chemists (with mythril guns, I checked).

Beowulf goes straight to harassing them with statuses.

Rafa really believes in the supernatural. Note that the Blaze Gun can cast Ice 2 and Ice 3 occasionally, which of course deal more damage.

As a whole, it's not a very exciting battle if you prepare for the Blue Dragons. They absorb ice, so Ice Brands and that spiffy new Blaze Gun aren't going to work.

Even if I did bring both Ramza and the girls can pick up so much slack it doesn't matter.

Ramza picks up Equip Spear so he can go into Squire (for the all-around excellent stats and equipment), Priest (for the speed and oomph with Holy), or Ninja (for pure speed) and still Jump on guys.

Dammit Beowulf!

Today's special guest is... the actual guest. This is a "Save X!" mission.

Did you know Archaic Demons could talk? I didn't either until this battle.

And he's threatening a purple dragon

Oh, so Reis... is the holy dragon we've been looking for?

New Ramza with Kung Fu Grip! Can you get the eyeball with Kung Fu Grip? Yes.

Reis is the Holy Dragon, and she knows all three Bracelets. Marlboros have an ice weakness that she exploits.


MA*7. It's the Behemoth's monster skill spell and the formula reflects monster's crazy MA growth, so demons don't use it that well.

New Plague with Look of Devil! Can you petrify Ramza with look of Devil? No.

Petrify is one of five ailments Look of Devil can inflict, along with Stop, Don't Act, Silence, and Darkness. MA+35% chance to hit.

35 is not a very big number.
As an aside, Look of Devil is a physical ability despite the MA-based formula.

Hot damn I love hitting weaknesses.

Reis spews some ice on the demon. He has a fixed name but it isn't very easy to spell so I don't care.

Reis has 31 faith. Damn.

But she's a Holy Dragon so she absorbs Holy!

Aw shit what's he got on her?

Considering that it resolves in two clockticks I'm amazed I got a shot of it at all.

Norma doesn't quite mind the Lifebreak charging and kills the last two enemies instantly.

He hands Ramza a... Zodiac stone?! What... what was he doing with Aquarius?!

Beowulf joins for good.

And so does Reis. I hear if you kick her out Beowulf leaves, and vice-versa, but I like Beowulf so I don't.