Part 49: Interlude 15 - A Kind of Magic
Or, the other thing everyone has been waiting for besides Wiegraf getting punched.
Grog Hill. From the south. Awesome rare battle.

Also, the perfect opportunity to show off everyone's favorite unfair thing to do with Math Skill.

The formation literally does not matter for me right now.

No, wrong battle.

Yes, this is the right battle.

Monks. Lots and lots of Monks. Monks everywhere. Monks monks monks.

Eleven Monks total, no more, no less.
You see, because Ramza's group is five chaps. In order to fill up the battle with 16 units, there's 11 Monks. Any more and we get into crazy hex fucking.

Some Monks are weak, but still have clothing that boosts and absorbs Earth Slash.

Some Monks are strong. So strong they go up a tier in equipment. Black Costumes give 100 HP and prevent Stop.

Ramza screams in fright at the sight in the fading light of all these Monks.

Agrias begs the earth to eat one of the Monks. The earth complies a little but not very effectively.

But! Notice the speed. Every single Monk has 8 speed, so their CT cannot be anything but a multiple of 4.

So I am going to hit every single fucking one of the eleven motherfuckers with a fucking Holy.

Thus begins the massacre.

Y'see, this is why people speak in hushed tones about Math Skill.

It's because it's very common for points where most characters have CT that's a multiple of 4 or 5.

So Eldena can do this with alarming regularity.

Holy is chosen because the enemy never has either item that absorbs it, but you can have them, and it can't miss.

The other popular spell is Death, ironically also negated by the same Chameleon Robe that absorbs Holy.

Math Skill doesn't have to be all explosions all the time. It's got near infinite utility too.

Working out those calculations can get maddening, so you might just want to put the calculator or auto-battle and let them work out some small advantages. They're really quick about it.

Remember that with CT4 or 5, you're always hitting the caster because Math Skill happens on the active turn so CT is always 100.

I've ran out of meaningful commentary, and there's still monks to go.

Unfortunately once it's out of Monks it hits my characters with CT that's multiples of 4.

I anticipated I'd have to hit CT 4 or 5, so Eldena was wearing her Chameleon Robe.

Highest level Monk was 37.

That's about 1/21 of the way to Death.

Anyway, I hope after this that you never doubt Math Skill again.

Due to the sheer number of Monks, total levels are high so Grog Hill's rare battle gives excellent gil.

Damn, look at all the bodies.

That's two down!