Part 51: Doguola Pass

Right now, it's the front lines. Nanten troops are stationed here.

Norma casts little magic anymore when she has Draw Out, so I replace her robe with some Earth Clothes for some HP.

See where I placed Eldena? She's a Wizard right now.

Bottom of the hill. Welp.

The lancers are fairly dangerous, even if sometimes random accessories make them look silly.

Wizards, too. For the next chunk of game Wizards spawn with Wizard Rods and Black Robes. This guy even spawns with a good lot of Faith.

Speaking of Faith, this will be Beowulf's usual first move. Eldena loves having Faith.

Your rock-fu is weak, young one.

This guy has a spell on Ramza, so Ramza decides to jump on him. Fire 3 is faster than Ramza's jump, so even if he wasn't going to instakill this guy, he'd still avoid the spell.

Norma is fairly powerful, I've gathered.

And Norma's Bolt with Faith is nearly hitting 300. That's Bolt, no number. She's good.

Fire3 is a bit dramatic, wouldn't you think? The level 3 spells are the highest that can be calculated or reflected.

Beowulf may not be very good at killing, being mostly dependent on Break and Drain, but Sleep, Chicken, and Faith can make killing all the enemies with other characters a lot easier.
And I personally happen to love making ornate statues of my enemies.

For war trophies, we get a suit of armor. If you know what's coming next, this is damned appropriate.
Doguola Pass is an easy fight, a relief if you go straight here from Riovanes at the end of chapter 3.