Part 52: Bervenia Free City

How many times has this happened in this LP? I've lost count.

The famous birthplace of St. Ajora! We're about to kill people in a holy city!

But first Reef is going to join, and she's going to wear the Setiemson to be invisible and hasty.


Wait, if she's his brother, then her dad is...

There's a little more to this then whacking Melly.
Oh yeah, I'm going to call her Melly from now on because Meliadoul is hard to spell.

First off, she's a class we've never seen before, with a sword we've never seen and a Chantage.

Divine Knights are another one of the [word] knights, with its own skillset. Interestingly, Melly could equip a lance or crossbow, but she couldn't use Destroy Sword.

Destroy Sword is fucking annoying. Each skill deals PA*WP damage and is 100% accurate and always breaks a specific piece of equipment. Melly's favorite in this fight is Shellbust Stab, which will always break body armor. Say bye to your Carabani Mails and Black Robes!

The Defender is the weakest Knight Sword, yet it's still above the strongest Sword. At 16 WP it gives Destroy Sword a bite it really doesn't need.

Reraise doesn't matter, she'll escape on critical HP. The regen is annoying but not dangerous. If I didn't have 5 sitting in Dorter from poaching Porkies I'd be tempted to steal this one too. It's the only one not tied to a Porky.

But first the invisible Reef will climb up. Until she acts the AI will ignore her.

Summoners are mildly dangerous now that they have boosts from the Black Robe and a lot of MP.

There's a ninja but she shouldn't be an issue.

Mostly because she sticks out like a sore thumb, being far faster than her comrades.
Melly's entire unit is female. Very few story battles have all the enemies in the right gender for maximizing PA/MA.

Oh goddammit


It deals damage, then removes the item, so your max HP may end up so much lower that it effectively deals no damage.

Ramza kills the shit out of Summoners trying to prepare spells.

Oh dammit Elde-

...I forgot Steal.


Dammit if I counted the number of times that's happened to me while playing FFT I think mathematics would have to be restructured to account for a number THAT BIG.
Anyway, I need a new plan, someone to apply pressure without taking too much heat from Melly...
Hey, you know who doesn't wear armor?

In case you wonder what I listen to while making these updates it's rarely FFT's music itself, I'm sick of it at this point except for five songs total. I just pick out the song based on the first two or three notes then find something else.
This is something I'm playing right now. I dunno, I like it a lot.
Anyway, Melly goes to the right side of the battlefield if nothing's in range, so I put Reef on that side to get there faster.

The ninja is on a box, so she gets hit with all three hits of Triple Thunder.

Smash then takes some hits for the team. The guy has 380 HP so he can take quite a few blows.

This, though, will fuck him up.

So Ramza has to take a risk and jab one of them to death.

Golem is a fun summon that absorbs physical damage from weapon attacks, an amount equal to the summoner's HP. It's not much since Norma's... a summoner, but it's two attacks negated, and everything the archers do and Melly's regular hits are affected.

This level ground doesn't let Triple Flame/Thunder do much, so Smash spews all over everything.

Agrias handles the other summoner before she can pull off a Shiva. The main threats to Smash are gone.

Aw hell. A failed action still removes Transparent.

Due to Reef's low level and... well, only wearing torso armor as a Monk, this kills her.
I didn't bring any revival, since Beowulf has Fist's chemist powers and he's not here and Eldena's absent to make room for the Tiamat.


QUIT MAKING STEALING SO HARD! There's way too little that's worth it and Steal has such low success rates and I'd have to spend a lot of time in Thief to get someone else this stuff!
Well, Melly gets her shit wrecked but without the Defender she still wins in spirit.
But, I noticed, she only uses Shellbust Stab.
Then it hits me. She must have only Shellbust Stab.

Everyone goes without armor. Reef goes into Thief to wear a hat to avoid dying very fast.

Once again, she hits Smash Lampjaw, but this time he counters.

This is one counterattack. Tiamats are hardcore.

"I did kill your summoner here, but who cares about her?"

First steal fails, but hopefully Smash and Ramza can keep attention off of her by murdering everyone.

59% chance of getting Reraise after every hit! It's where Reef's Lancer JP from opening Dancer went.

Finally, after two tries of me forgetting important things Reef survives to try it a second time and she nabs it.
Then she gets murdered. Oh well.

So Ramza stabs Melly.
You know, when I went through this battle in WoTL, she punched a Shellbust Stab.
She punched.
A Shellbust Stab.
With her bare hand.

Melly teleports away and her troops fade into the mists.

That wouldn't pay for two suits of armor. Fucking hell. I hate fighting Divine Knights.