Part 56: Bethla Garrison
Inside of Bethla Garrison...

Goltana enters the room.

Though he struggles, the knights eventually get him out of the room.

A short while later, Delita and Balmafula enter.

Anyway, back to Ramza's squad.

Agrias gets Holy Explosion. It's slightly stronger than Lightning Stab, but it's a lot more awkward as it hits a line in front of the user.

Norma gets Frog magic. She also gets Ignore Height for a gag later.

Poor Balk, he never gets a living entry. I don't even know how old he is since he's, y'know, dead.

Bethla Garrison is unique. It has two mutually exclusive battles.

A while back I had you guys vote on which wall to take. North had a big drop and better move-find item swag so we're going with it. But, we'll still take a peek at South.

I rearrange everything to make myself less bored. Ramza feeds Beowulf some Temple Knight JP, since it replaces Squire, and shows off some fun stuff to do with Two Swords.
Literally wield two swords, that is.

Ramza learns how to hurt someone's self esteem.

I hope you guys are proud. I had to scroll glitch to get this for Norma because no one else had enough Lancer JP open to even do that. Ignore Height is inferior to Teleport since it doesn't allow for extra movement or moving past obstacles or water.

Someone mentioned that these screens had flavor text. Holy fuck they do. I'm sorry I missed Lionel, Orbonne, and Riovanes.

Both battles use the same music.

If we take the other side, then Ramza gets told this off-screen, I guess.

This battle has a ninja.

He's a jerk.

Oh dear, this does not bode well.

But besides the ninja this battle is fairly bland. Let's gear up for the other side!

I turn Norma into a Geomancer for the HP and Move.

Ramza learns how to tackle someone. This is important.

Rafa gets the perfume so I don't have to worry about her getting hit. There's some equipment here that only shows up in shops after the fights, so why not get some freebies?

Saving this shit, it's a mess.

Hey look at this hole here.

There's no way Ramza's going to be in that hole!

Goddammit Ramza why are you in the hole.

The Summoner here is the big deal, kinda? He's mildly threatening at least.

And here's my evidence that 36 is the next level for speed. Shit.

Rafa runs around all invisible.

There's a monk that starts right next to you. What a jerk.

Luckily the Earth Slash doesn't do much. Norma outright absorbs it with her Earth Clothes.

Well shit, he doesn't believe in a higher power either.

Poor Summoner. Ramza happens to be wielding two swords made of solid ice like a maniac while blinking in and out of reality to end up in your face.

Worst with male Libras. Guess what Beowulf is.

So instead he hits Eldena with a Faith to help her OHKO the Monk.

This is why people wanted me to bring ignore height. I hope your happy.

Faith did help OHKO the guy.

Faith is also helping her knock out guys, too! I need a sleeping guy to pester while Rafa climbs all over for items.

Ramza's handling the Lancers pretty well. They can't get past his auto-potion.


FUCK what an asshole, he barely survived.

Sleep's incantation.

Spell Absorb's incantation. I'm fooling around waiting for Ramza to get up here.

Eventually Ramza gets his ass up there. You have a Brave% chance of getting the common item, usually some restorative. After getting put down, Rafa has 11 Brave, giving me an 89% of getting rare stuff. In this case, equipment!

This is the strongest sword, and it gives +2 MA. Norma would've loved to have this, for it makes Draw Out viable on a Geomancer.

I get the Archer to below 10 Brave. He literally turns into a chicken.

It's a strange axiom, I need Rafa to have low brave but not too low because then she becomes a fowl thing.

Well, here's the other thing everyone's been waiting for.

Gotta knock someone off the wall they said. Well I couldn't get an archer up there so Norma has to take one for the team.

And off she goes!

But wait, where is she?


A quick Raise later and she springs right back up.

10 WP, Wind elemental. Second strongest knife and honestly strong enough to be a decent weapon.

And that's how I know to spell it!

Strongest buyable katana, Draw Out is a bit weaker than Muramasa but it hits a line.
Its ability is called Sanguine Blossom in WoTL giving evidence to the theory that Square-Enix loves the word sanguine.

Anyway I'm done with this shit so the archer gets cooped.

Meanwhile, near the Hokuten camp...

Balk's poison worked to devastating effect.

Zalbag arrives to check on his troops.

She falls over, lifeless.

Dycedarg walks in...

Larg's voice weakly floats down from above.

Dycedarg pulls out a knife!

He stabs Larg with it!!

Dycedarg drives the knife in deeper...

Forever silencing Larg.

Dycedarg collapses.

Well, that was a shock.