Part 57: Bethla Garrison's Sluice

Beowulf gets Equip Sword, so I can get him a cool secondary command.

For Beowulf's Faith-based magic the Rune Blade's +2 MA would mean an extra percent now and then. MA isn't a very big deal to status spells. Norma loves it, as do most Geomancers since it provides more MA for Elemental in addition to being a strong weapon.

And I'm never using Ignore Height again. Mongrels.

Anyway Beowulf is taking time off since he's above everyone else in level and he's got his ability. Smash Lampjaw helps some more. That Tiamat is showing up a lot, isn't he?

There's a lot of guys here, huh?

So, instead of the usual condition of killing everybody, or killing someone in particular, we've got to open a floodgate.

There's a pair of over-leveled, overly faithful, well equipped Wizards here. They routinely fling level 3 and sometimes level 4 spells.

And this archer has an unbuyable bow!

Funny thing about this bow, it starts showing up on generic archers once they reach high enough level anyway. No real reason to get this one.

Oh Smash Lampjaw will you ever stop killing people? Next you're going to burn a crippled man to death aren't you? That's why I love you.

What a butt, that Wizard.

These two knights don't move at all unless something fucks with their AI like confusion.

Clone tower GO!

Now Norma's a lot better with Draw Out as a Geomancer. Viable, even. It might be worth the MA hit from Wizard for a nice shield.



Though near death, he just has to cling to the switch.

Smash solves that problem easily.

Oh you monster. I wanted that Wizard dead.

You aren't allowed to be alive!

After a Muramasa from Norma the other switch knight gets confused. This will bite me in the ass shortly.

Holy Explosion is stronger than Lightning Stab, after all.




Ker-chunk. There's just one lever left, and there's a dead body on it.

People start crystalizing. Why not score some abilities?
Poor Beowulf has to miss all this.

Agrias gets some things.
This is the only battle I know of where every enemy can be dead and gone and the fight still go on.

Haha, fuck you knight, I got a free one. FUCK YOU KNIGHT, I GOT A FREE ONE!

Well it's not bad but why am I getting this for Eldena?

Well we've looted everything, let's get this over with.

That's not going to stop mu-

Later, inside Bethla Garrison...

Ramza, Olan, and Balmafula enter.

Orlandu has a hearty chuckle remembering the event.




YES OF COURSE. Orlandu is fucking overpowered strong.
Meanwhile, in Goltana's office.

Delita enters and kneels.

Delita swiftly stabs Goltana!

Delita pulls his sword from Goltana, and he falls over, dead.

Balmafula enters with... Orlandu?

It is but a fake, a Glabados devout with a strong resemblance to the count.

Goltana slain by Orlandu, Goltana avenged by Delita, is how the stories will go.

Exactly according to plan.

Ramza begins to narrate...