Part 59: Nelveska Temple

There's this rumor in Zeltennia.

Upon reading it, this red dot appears, but there's no battle yet. We've got to do a few more things for Besrodio's sidequest.

In this case, we're going to Zarghidas.

Ramza's walking through the slums when he's accosted by-

A flower girl...

If you say no you are a bad person.
Also you can't get the next event in the sidequest so the rest is forfeit.
Also it doesn't even take 1 gil from your war funds so you have no reason to say no unless you hate puppies and children and apple pies and America.
And if you hate America get out because this is an American Let's Play of a Japanese game taking place in a location similar to Europe. :usa:

Pictured: My mastery of timing screenshots.

So I geared everyone up for taking on the temple but it turns out I need to go back to Goug to get the scene there to get the battle to start.

Well, let's get going!

But before that I set up a proposition.

Whatever it is, it rotates the whole time.

That's why I have so many pictures. Not because I don't want to transcribe the text, no sir.

Once again, Ramza gets close and the device reacts to the Zodiac Stones again.

And now back to Zeltennia!

But before that we get the Spear of Destiny from a proposition.

Or maybe it's Longinus's cousin's spear.

For this fight we need Rafa and a big monster. There's two move-find items here that I absolutely must have, and one only shows up here anyway. I know Worker 8 and Reis can do the big monster job, but I briefly wonder if I could use Smash Lampjaw.
I then remember that Smash is a very big three-headed dragon. He'll probably work. Fucker's got three spines, after all.

Now we're ready!
For maximum accuracy have that song playing constantly for about an hour.

Orlandu's coming along because I want his giant PA to help. Eldena's got Math Skill because there's an enemy that's twice my level here.

Great, birds and hyudras.

And from the temple's entrance?

Another robot?!

Genocide mode?
Oh no. It's even worse than my amazing ability to time screenshots poorly!

This whole scene takes over half a minute and there's no way to shorten it. Considering that I had to do this three times despite knowing exactly what to do, it gets annoying quick.

The beasts perched everywhere are annoying, but not really dangerous at these levels.

But the robot is level 66. His attacks do around 300 damage and I don't have any means of reducing that.

Your party is on height 0, the Hyudras on 7, and the birds on 12. Worker 7 New is immune to magic due to his auto-innocent so who cares.

It handles them quickly so they don't start petrifying people or picking off guys who barely survived Worker 7 New's attacks.

Orlandu is mildly strong.

Oh great, he has 9 speed. What's he-


That's his weakest attack, too!

But Work abilities hurt the robot, too. This will end up terrible shortly.

Smash Lampjaw handles the other Hyudra easily.

Well, since his attacks hurt himself too, maybe if I reduce his HP to the point where he'll kill himself he'll just use regular physicals, I thought.

To that end, Smash Lampjaw is useful.

But then he sees Orlandu in his Twist Headband and Power Sleeve and Crushes him.
With Crush. The ability. And both die.

Whenever Worker 7 New dies the first time, he'll revive himself at 1 HP with cutscene powers.
Our robot doesn't have the same power.

What are you-

This robot loves OHKOs so much he is willing to kill himself to get them.

This... is going to be complicated, isn't it?

I equip everyone to have some more HP, except Ramza, who's running 348 with a Flash Hat and Sprint Shoes to get to 10 speed. He'll be faster than Worker 7 New so he'll box him in and prevent him from drilling anyone but Ramza. Surely 348 HP is enough to avoid OHKOs!

Height 4 Holy on the birds. Eldena's has the Setiemson equipped so she's got Haste too.


This won't end easily, will it?


At this point I realize Ramza needs the Excalibur for the auto-haste. With that, he can equip a Crystal Helmet and still be faster than Worker 7 New. I could try the Reflect Mail but that would prevent me from hitting him with Cure3.
But without the Excalibur, I don't know if Orlandu can prevent that Hyudra from moving and ruining everything.
But, remember how I trekked across Ivalice twice before this?

Smash had kids.

A Tiamat, A Hydra, Rafa, Eldena, and Ramza. It would work. The Hydra is still faster than the Hyudras, And Triple Flame will easily kill them even without MA like Smash's. Ramza would move in swiftly to prevent the robot from leaving the temple, and Eldena would support everything with calculated Cure3s since Worker 7 New is immune to that.
The only worry is Rafa, she's got 26 Brave, so there's two 26% chances this could fail anyway.

But the plan is so air-tight that I'll just do the battle again if that's the case!

Eldena clearing the birds first thing hasn't failed me yet. If anyone got petrified we'd be fucked.

Close, but no cigar. Eldena's faster than Worker 7 New anyway so she could calculate a Cure3 before the next attack.

The Hydra does his job perfectly.

And Smash Lampjaw hasn't failed to do his. This battle is under control.

Ramza's screaming this whole time, so his EXP is a multiple of 5 as it increases by 10. At a certain point, he starts using Chakra on Worker 7 New to stop him from killing himself again, but as long as he doesn't hit level 38 I can just use some level calculation and get him with Cure3.

Also, this is making Ramza's PA crazy high for when Rafa is done getting items.

What's taking so long is that the items I want are on those pillars, and there's dead things there.

Between Auto-Potion, Chakra, and Cure3 Ramza will have trouble dying.

After a few rounds of this nonsense the birds start crystalizing and boxitating. The hyudras will follow shortly.


That's 7 height up, and the highest Jump Rafa can get without a movement ability is 5. She needs Move-Find Item to get up there, but she can't do it!
Or can she?

So what she does is she jumps on Smash Lampjaw then jumps up to the pillar. That's why I needed a big monster, to act as a stepping stone.
This is an actual gameplay function.

Dammit, it's gonna replace an X-Potion for an Auto-Potion.

That's not the same graphic that the Javelin in stores has.

Let's make up for the potion by making Cure3 heal around 400 HP!

And thank goodness for that.

Crush is dealing 368 damage, so Auto-Potion isn't even needed at this point.

That's not the correct graphic, either. There's a very good reason for this.
There's some other treasures here but I can get those elsewhere.

So Ramza uses his amazing PA after all the yelling and smacks the robot down.

He revives himself at 1 HP.

So Ramza tosses a rock. It's fatal.

Since he's in the temple you can't see it but a Zodiac Stone dropped.
Anyway, now that the battle's over, what's with those starting items having weird graphics?
They aren't starting items.

They're the best shield and spear in the entire game. They may share names with starting junk but their effectiveness in combat is peerless.

Try to leave the temple while Beowulf and Reis are in your party and...

You won? You weren't even in that fight.

So Reis enters the temple.

So far nothing's happeni-

Once the air clears, there is only silence, and then...

A woman emerges.

And so the dragon was actually his lover. The first person to make a bestiality joke gets stern looks of disapproval from the rest of the class.

Why this is the case is only in the Brave Story and expanded upon in WoTL in an optional battle in the endgame.
Basically, Beowulf was part of the Lionel Gryphon Knights and the lover of this woman, Reis. However, the priest Buremonda also wanted Reis, but since he couldn't have her, he decided no one would and turned her into a dragon while proclaiming Beowulf a heretic.
As a side note, this priest, renamed Celebrant Bremondt in WoTL, succeeds Draclau as the leader of Lionel.
More romance novels should involve beating up robots to get the happy ending, I think.