Part 60: Interlude 18 - Gimme the Prize

The Dragoner's entire equipment selection is...
Bracelets and Rings.
A fraction of normal accessories.

But since Reis is a girl she gets female-exclusives. Ribbons are great for her since she gets no other hats.
Bags are a bit less optimal. Dragoner has innate Two Swords, so she has the innate ability to punch people in the face twice. Innately.

Perfume is always a nice choice, in particular the Setiemson gives her extra MA for her abilities and Auto-Haste, which makes up for the lack of speed-giving hats.

She keeps the
Tiamats are dragons, if you want to abuse this.

She also has the second best select quote thing, right behind Beowulf.

WP*PA for spears, so with the 14 PA he has in Lancer with a Bracer he's hitting for 420 damage. That's enough to instantly kill everything outside of some bosses, very high level Tiamats and Marbols, and Zodiac demons. Jump doubles that.
The Javelin II, as it's commonly called, is kinda strong.

Zeltennia isn't without propositions. Let's get the girls every ability!*
*That will still take way too fucking long

A rat's tail! Now we can finally change classes once we show it to Bahamut!
...Wait a second, Norma doesn't know Bahamut yet.

I've never gotten higher than 3 before this LP. I'm doing way more than normal. It's gotten hard to pick jobs for Eldena and Norma because they have so many abilities already.

I also accidentally chase Zero down and keep fighting him.

We beat him up and take his gimmicky mid-game boss, Calcobrena.

Wanna know a secret?
Reraise is calculable.

Finally got Kikuichimoji. Norma uses this a lot more frequently than I thought she would.

I sell the Holy Lance to a fur shop to get a few more bucks for endgame equipment. The Javelin II does its job much better.

...Lord's Ore. In God Canyon. I guess it's right next to Allah Hill and Yahweh River?

What was a book doing in the Lord's Ore?
It's not even a sacred text. What is this!?

Another treasure is this obligatory reference.

Also, we have Libra since Orlandu joined and he had it.

Dammit, so close.

More books from ore. Dammit, is this some sort of a joke!?

Wanna know a secret?
Raise2 is Calculable.

Hey, it's the floating castle! I hope no robots attack.

The Tower of Babel! Did you girls get every random encounter?
Dammit, there went the 100% beastiary then.

Wall can be calculated. I figured it was like Protect2 and Cure4 and shit and couldn't be.

Eventually, I decide to take the Cancer stone, the stone that Worker 7 New had, to Goug.

But I decide to poach my own Hydras at Bed Desert.

One of the random encounters can spawn a guest Red Dragon. I got tired of seeing this on my way to the actual rare battle.

Eventually, we hit it. It's a bunch of humans.

Thus begins my long, sombering tale of Teleport failing all the fucking time despite being 90% or 80%.
It made Limberry a fucking hell of a lot more work than was necessary.

The Hydras bite each other so Reef can OHKO them. She's only got 9 PA and the hydras have more than 270 HP.

Holy Explosion is stylish, ain't it?

With both Hydras poached and Agrias and Norma piling on damage, the battle ends uneventfully.

Araguay Wood's rare battle is from the other way.
The rare battle guide I have says it's from the south. What south?
Whatever, I figured. I'll just fight a battle.

Oh, the archer battle?
I think this the battle GameFAQs used to sperg out over, since there was a possibility of a female archer spawning without any equipment.

Instead, I get one with 5 extra levels. She's high enough level for an Ultimus Bow.

She's also the only unit with a prime number level.
...I forgot to take Math Skill off after the temple, so I decided to keep it on anyway since it's fun to play with.

A Yin Yang spell that's going to hit the whole battlefield?
I went to make lunch.

I returned to a fairly pleasant sight.

With all this Faith, making statues is easy.

Oh yeah, Norma has Meteor now.

And since I have the White Materia nothing can stop it.

So enjoy some space rocks!

I'll wipe out half of Ivalice just to beat up one guy!

It's really strong. Stronger than Holy by 10 more on the multiplier.

But since Steal is so unlikely I decide to just find a different Ultimus Bow to obtain. There'll be other archers.
So, since I couldn't find the one at Araguay Woods, why not the falls just next door?

Well, that was easy.

But there's no Dark Behemoth. This fight is supposed to have a Dark Behemoth!
But there's no other battle that spawns a Male Time Mage than the rare battle. This has to be it.

I stop complaining very quickly when the +10 levels gives two guys Thief Hats. Holy fuck. Look at that +2 Speed!
I must have them!

Agrias takes out the scrub without a Thief Hat.

However, these guys have a lot of trouble not mocking the very idea of the magic they themselves wield. It's hard to make a status stick when they're like that.

Reef really likes fairies and miracles and all that. Fuck. Luckily Beowulf has Remedies.

Their adamant refusal to accept a nonscientific explanation for supernatural phenomenon greatly hinders their ability to handle supernatural phenomenon. Sucks to be a Time Mage.

Eventually making Eldena wish even harder makes it come true.

And again.

That's one! I want the second one, though!

A fairly high level Wizard's crystal? What magic does it-

Fuck you, agnostic wizard.

Eventually I have to unfrog him, let him teleport to somewhere where I can actually steal from him, then refrog him.

It works and I get the other Thief Hat!

And I take his Light Robe to save me 30,000 gil.

Then he gets his sleeping faithful frog ass SERVED.

That... was pretty underwhelming for a pair of rare battles.

But rare battles they were. Two more areas knocked out.