Part 62: Poeskas Lake

At this point, it dawned on me that Norma and Eldena hop around in the same jobs a lot. There isn't too much to do with them, since Norma has the good summons and draw outs and Eldena has all 8 math skill abilities and nearly every calculable spell.

Nearly every. She starts getting the level 3 Black Magic spells.

And Ramza Dawkins can scientifically explain how the Leviathan summon works.

I hope you like dead guys.

Interestingly, these guys share the coloring of your troops.

And they're the only guys outside of the Shrine Knights and Draclau to know the Zodiac Stones hold power.

They still can't avoid making a silly statement.

Funny thing about these archers, they have the ability to equip robes and have can have two Charges.
The zombie archer Charge behaves a little differently than mortal Charge, since it continues to charge even if the user's weapon is broken, while regular Charge will cancel itself.

Silence Song's incantation.

Carbuncle's incantation.

Squaresoft can't decide if Carbuncle is a lizard, a little fuzzy creature, or if they'll just stick with systems with weak texturing technology that prevents them from having textures detailed enough to commit to either.

For hating my magic so much, these guys suck at stopping it.

And while normally that dock would be hard to get to, my abuse of Teleport makes it quite easy to assault.

Sometimes, you just have to hit a zombie archer with two charges in the head.

And with a flourish of particle effects the last enemy dies.

It's as if they're making a statement.
Meanwhile, in Igros Castle...

Dycedarg, now lord of Gallione, is meeting with the Church's mediator, one Shrine Knight Rofel...

Rofel puts a green stone, marked Capricorn, on the table.

But listening through the slightly ajar door is...