Part 63: Gate of Limberry Castle

Why do I even equip Beowulf for Temple knighting? He's not going to do much.

Anyway, here's the one thing I've really been dreading. Limberry Castle.

It's... the first and third battles are pretty simple, but the second one is... pain.
Especially since I can't just run up and smite the guys.

Anyway, the first battle is best handled by running up and smiting the guys. To this end, Smash Lampjaw is here.
Except I've forgotten how to place a Tiamat in this battle so he's in the worst spot for running up and smiting.

So he walks to the entrance, his most brazen act of breaking formation yet.

From the roof approaches...

And Lede's here too! And they summon a bunch of apandas!

No shit!

Really, you just need to knock Celia or Lede into critical HP and they flee and the apandas stop existing.

Apandas cast Bio spells until their pitiful MP runs out, then they just sorta faff about and die due to being useless. Their high HP makes them annoyingly good meat shields.

Celia and Lede are threats, at least, being all Assassin-y.
This is a prime battle for learning Ultima, but I really don't care about Ultima that much.
...I'll get it eventually, don't worry.

And that was the whole battle!

And she teleports too.

And the Apandas stop existing. See what I mean?

"Oh shit, that was my motivation this whole time, wasn't it?"
Inside of "Limberry Castle" is a "conversation" that uses entirely too many "quotes".

The "quotening" begins.

"Elmdor" gets "up".

Then, "Celia" and "Lede" teleport in to deliver some "news".

"Vormav" teleports without even getting out of his "chair".

And I do not want to deal with this next "battle".