Part 64: Inside of Limberry Castle
Or, supreme madness.
Worker 7 New taught me something, that the AI loves OHKOs more than anything. I can avoid most of Elmdor's dirty tricks by giving him a chick to OHKO all the time.
This is the only battle I'm going to use the Chantage in, and it's because, for you guys, I'm stealing all of Elmdor's equipment. You'll see why.

Oh naivety, to think that my position actually matters except to make teleport slightly more reliable.

It has the same music as Inside of Riovanes if you want a parallel.

You were yelling at Ramza's bleeding body because Celia got a boo-boo.

Ramza...doesn't break formation for this. I wish he did. I could have all 4 front-row spaces open.

If that were the case, this would be one of the shorter updates. Instead, I think this one is the longest one by number of screenshots.

Buckle up, kiddies, it's gonna be a wild ride.

The assassins have special versions of Throw have very few weapons, don't display the weapon name, and crash the game if you hack them in and try to use them.

Here's a bunch of things you aren't familiar with! Elmdor's a bastard for reasons besides his 10 speed, one of them being his unique... all of his equipment.

This is the only one you can get elsewhere, from level 95 Ninjas. It's the second strongest katana and its Draw Out gives Haste and Regen.

The shield is the least useful piece, not being much above the Crystal Shield and losing the magic evasion.

10 HP on the Crystal Helmet, Beowulf will like this since he wears robes so often.

40 HP on the Crystal Mail, this is a really good deal.

A Diamond Armlet for a new generation! Geomancers and anyone running both physical and magical attacks will love this.

Blood Suck inflicts 25% damage and the Blood Suck status. A unit with Blood Suck (status) uses Blood Suck (ability) on the nearest unit, friend or foe, and attempts to spread the Blood Suck (status). If all your units have it, it's game over because you're all draculas 'n' shit. Holy Water is the only thing that cures it.
Besides brutal death that is.

And he has a special Teleport without a failure rate. As if to mock me, this battle is rife with countless failures of my own teleports.

Also, Elmdor is a Gemini. That means a Sagittarius of the opposite sexSagittarius has the highest chance to steal from him. That's why Reef Blastbody is a Sagittarius and a femaleSagittaruis. I knew this was coming.

Well, now that that's out of the way, Agrias opens with a critical Holy Explosion.

Instead of finally dying like good little girls, Celia and Lede have a dark secret.

They're actually...

Ultima Demons!
...And Ultima Demons are far less threatening than Assassins.

Remember what I said about the AI loving OHKOs?

It doesn't mean it's entirely dumb about them.

Ramza pokes Lede with his amazing death spear, finally killing her for good. She'll never hurt anyone ever again.

Kikuichimoji's incantation. She can't get close enough for a Muramasa.

But it wasn't enough to kill Celia!

100% instant death is enough to kill Ramza, though. Stop Bracelet is mean.

Raise2's incantation.

I play with Math Skill at this point. I have to since klling Elmdor will mean his equipment vanishes into the mists.

Now that Reef is finally next to Elmdor, she... can't really steal from him that well.
Elmdor has Blade Grasp, and his 70 Brave is making it damn good at stopping people from taking his stuff. Steal commands can be Blade Grasped.

Agrias strikes down Celia with a Split Punch. Why Split Punch? I wanted a break from Lightning Stab's animation for once.

Elmdor has an infinite amount of Muramasas.

Ultima Demons are a step above Archaic Demons. They've still got Dark Holy, and their new spells are Nanoflare, a slightly different from but practically similar to Giga Flare; Hurricane, which deals 34% damage over an area, and Ulmagest, which hits a big area for damage equal to the caster's lost HP.
Oh, and Ultima. They've got Ultima too.

A Foxbird misses Elmdor. Lowering his Brave isn't going to be easy.

Oh yeah, Norma got killed by Death Sentence from that Muramasa.
Here's the thing, Elmdor's Muramasa inflicts statuses like a motherfucker this whole time. I think negative things that have a <20% chance of happening are happening all the time to me. Teleports failing, Draw Out statuses, it's driving me crazy.

However, due to the speed difference, Elmdor gets a turn while Reef is face-down on the ground.

This is why I wanted to consume his attention with OHKOing Reef. He'll start Blood Sucking people.

Now she's a dracula.

However, Elmdor is the closest unit so he gets his blood sucked.

I don't have anyone with Holy Water, and killing Agrias is nearly impossible because of her evasion and Holy absorption.
Let's reset and try again!

I need the speed. As long as her HP is below 243 Elmdor will still strive to kill her.
...At this point, If you want to, just listen to the Benny Hill music because it strangely fits.

Keep Reef in a corner so he doesn't hurt so many people!


Wait, is she...

She's casting Ultima. I got the Assassin's AI to cast Ultima. Damn.

But even after getting hit by a rock and having her confusion negated, Norma's still charging an Ice on Eldena. This can't end well because I can't get started on killing the Assassins.

Let's try this again.

Okay, maybe it'll go better this time.

Oh goddammit it was an 80% chance!

I don't think the RNG is resetting properly.

Shut uuuuuuup I wanna steal your stuuuuuuuuuuuff.


I don't think the RNG is resetting properly.

Well, They've killed Agrias, but if Norma can get there and use Muramasa then-


Okay, so I'll just not let the asshats get a fucking turn. With the auto-haste Norma has an effective 15 speed. She's a rabbit on crack at this point.

Ramza is the least useful element here at this point.


Okay, let's try this again.

Finally something works.

...At this point things start go right, so the Benny Hill theme doesn't fit the failure reel from before. But, it still fits, considering how everyone runs around like headless chickens and Elmdor loses his clothing.

Celia becomes an Ultima Demon, but who cares? They don't have 100% Death and Stop and shit.

Elmdor has Muramasa and Kikuichimoji. His Sword Spirit also has Chirijiraden but I guess he doesn't have it yet, since it's just plain superior to Muramasa.

Thankfully it doesn't break 150 damage like his Muramasa can.

Ramza has Talk Skill and Threaten, since all he does is poke people and talk to other people.

"You bitch-ass motherfucker I'll fuckin' skewer you if you try that shit again."

Ultima Demons, like Archaic Demons below them, are immune to Holy.

Lede ran up a ledge to get away. However, that ledge is on a height of 6.

That's both Assassins, now for the Ultima demons so they stop distracting me.

Celia gets a Muramasa to the face again, since her CT starts at zero after becoming an Ultima Demon.
And because Norma is far and away the fastest being here.

Lede gets a Holy Explosion to the face, and her HP is much lower as a demon then as an assassin, so she gets murdered. Agrias is the second fastest being here.

The maddening thing is, if I wanted it to be, this battle would already be over and we'd be talking about the next battle already. Killing is far easier than it looks. I could wipe him out before he or his assassins got turns.

But Dead and Blood Suck can't coexist.

I go for... I forget if it's his shield to make later steals easier or his gauntlet to make his Muramasas hit for less.

"You shit-eating fuckface, gimme your stuff or I'll cut you!"

Two threatens later and the chances are already looking up! And this is from the front!

The amazing thing about this Muramasa?

It's the first attack that didn't trigger Ramza's Auto-Potion. Wow.

"Do you have dicks in your ears? I've got the biggest spear and I know you're used to things thrusting into your face."

Elmdor's immune to chicken, but at 10 Brave his Blade Grasp is already a curiosity rather than a problem.

Sometimes, we get the phenomenon of Deja Vu. It's that strange feeling we sometimes get that we've lived through something before.

Reraise doesn't cancel Death Sentence, but it makes it a nonissue.

Too bad she's dead.

"One of us is going to die from a spear to the face. It ain't gonna be me."

The AT doesn't list Reef because, despite her effective immortality, she's presently quite dead. I don't know if Elmdor's gonna get a turn on her and Blood Suck someone again or not. The answer to that is to play it safe and slap of Raise on Reef.

Since Elmdor has no more brave to threaten away, Ramza yells at Reef instead to get her speed equal to his. It also makes Steal a little more likely.

And so the assassins become boxes and they're gone forever. The nightmare is over.

This needle is all that remains of her.

For some reason he ignores Reef and hits Ramza and Norma with a Kikuichimoji. I'm not quite sure why.

Reraise's incantation.

Because he ignored her a turn, Regain got her HP high enough she survived a blood suck.

Luckily, explosions are a good cure for vampirism.

So she pops up right as rain.

Elmdor gets tired of holding his Muramasa up the whole time.
...But the Muramasa is a red sword. What the fuck is that doing there?

He's naked. Are you guys happy? I stole the Masamune and the genji set. It's mine now.

I've been wanting to do this forever.

And how easy it was to finally end him compared to the effort of taking his stuff!

He teleports away.

And he pages us over the castle's intercom system.

"Assblaster I still have this spear and you still have your face!"

That took way too much time and effort. Shit.