Part 65: Underground cemetary of Limberry Castle

Well, I got all of it. The Masamune and the Genji Shield will see... very little use.

The armor and helmet, however, will get used a lot.

Zodiac demon fight coming up, so Ramza goes into DPS mode.

See, I know how this stuff works at this point. Shove Ramza in the back because he'll start somewhere special.

So he summons these spirits of the dead.

along with one of each skeleton, if the basic one would get on screen already.

Using the power of the Gemini stone...

...He becomes a demon, the Angel of Death, Zalera!

The door on the other side of the room opens!

These guys are supposed to have full sets of equipment, but they kinda messed that up. By their death-cries they're monsters so...

Melly's a guest, and she's got an even fancier knight sword, with 2 more WP than the Defender and auto-Protect.

You don't see these very often.

Immortal messenger who rises above the earth. Deludes the enemys' with 'Fear'
leading to eternal sleep.
EQ: <none>
IMMUNE: Crystal, Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Silence,
Blood Suck, Treasure, Oil, Reraise, Transparent, Berserk,
Chicken, Frog, Poison, Regen, Stop, Faith, Innocent, Charm, Sleep,
Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence
INNATE: Auto-Float, Cannot enter water, Fly, Short Charge, Monster Skill
HPM: 85 | MPM: 100 | SpM: 133 | PAM: 145 | MAM: 140 | Move: 5 | C.Ev: 24%
HPC: 12 | MPC: 10 | SpC: 90 | PAC: 38 | MAC: 46 | Jump: 4 |

But we'll never see any of those since I decide to brutalize him.

Zalera barely has any more HP than Velius did. Throw in how much more powerful you've likely become since the end of chapter 3 and Zalera is a pushover.

It's really hard to remember that I have Holy Explosion sometimes.
Also, this battle has a conversation that I miss because of all the violence.

Oh look Ramza's going to deal 720 damage to the guy.

Judging by the time stamps it took me four minutes to decide that this was the proper course of action.
Or maybe I was distracted by something.

Zalera is level 44. He's also a total wuss.

Hey, Norma, great job blocking the stone with your head.

And the dead guys return to the hereafter. I'm running out of ways to describe this effect.

Exactly one new item becomes available for sale after this fight. It's the Thief Hat, and I'm going to buy some. I like having more money.

plot's being used by Vormav.

Meliadoul hands Ramza the Sagittarius stone.

But, you just did. Your tenses are all wrong.

It may be reassuring news to some of you, but I actually do try to use Melly some.