Part 67: Interlude 20 - Play the Game
Why yes, I do like to make jabs at myself.
First, note the bar owner's advice.
Second, note the thief's name. FFTA has very few unique proper nouns.

The owner recommended a thief. But Norma, a summoner, got special mention. Huh.

I think this is Eldena getting Flare because Norma used Flare way back in Zigolis Swamp's rare battle. Flare is calculable, but subject to evasion. I've got two shields with 50% magic evasion so maybe I can try things.

"What's more dangerous than an assault door?"
"What if the entire cave is a monster!?"
"And his Ninth Dimension multi-targets."

"Also it drops 13081 gil."
"That makes it a little under three times as exciting as a regular door!"

Bahamut is only slightly weaker than a boosted Leviathan. It's also very slow and very expensive. Norma seems to be collecting spells like that.

"Maybe you can find one of the four good treasures among all the Hi Potions and Ethers!"

I think Adamantite is used exactly once for equipment, for the Adaman Vest way back when. Makes sense it doesn't get as much as Mythril which was nearly all of chapter 2.

I swear this is a very long series of coincidences.

But we beat him up and steal his lunch. I wonder if he found his bread in ore like we did?

Now we're rescuing the nobility.
Considering the last few plot events I'm not sure why the entire upper class hasn't fled to Romanda with Orinas.

But old money pays good money.

A tusk? Aw man, I only have experience extracting perfumes from dragons.
I can assure you the tasks are nothing alike and getting a tusk is really hard. The Dragon Whisker is the rare poach so maybe getting anything but perfume is a hellish trial.

Considering the pay is 1/10th of the last job's, I'm guessing we got a bad tooth.

Also they don't offer another job for me so it must've went horribly.

The townspeople have taken to referring to themselves as a third-person collective. It's driving officials insane.

Apparently the house was entirely uninteresting and mundane and the reward was shit because I don't have a shot of any message past this one.

Also I finally run into a trap. I wonder, why did it take 80% of the game for me to get to this point?

Norma casts Ice and hits a goblin for 700 damage. Faith is a pretty strong status effect.

It gives Auto-Haste. Why would I not want three?

I had a plan, I was going to poach a Great Morbol for the Madlemgen. I was going to get the strongest book in the game and literally throw it at someone.
But I kept getting Elixirs, the common poach, and after about 4 tries I got bored and annoyed at having to do a whole battle just to have a 1/10 chance at a Madlemgen and quit. Sorry Barok, no hope today.

Also the dangerous attacks in the next battle, holy sword abilities and magic, aren't very graspable so Auto-Potion's back before I could even really use Blade Grasp. Welp.

And last and most likely least, Beowulf learns throw item, and his support ability slot will be in constant confusion for the rest of our days.