Part 69: Interlude 21 - It's Late
I should really go to bed, but, nope, here's some FFT.
Our next task is to break into the Vatican. I'll get to that after I travel around Ivalice.

Well, since Mme. Eldena has every White Magic spell that can be used in Math Skill, I pick up Protect 2 for the odd time when I need its vertical tolerance.

Well this doesn't sound that bad.



Wait, that's the floating continent from FF3. The only bats there are in places you need to status yourself to get into.
Never mind guys, no Abysteels! False alarm!

Damn I'm good.

Instant AoE sleep that's only held back by its pitiful chance of actually working.
Kind of like most of Talk Skill.

I swear I am not trying to find this guy. I am dead serious about that.

We stole his money sword, his mid-game boss, his lunch, and now his entertainment!

Even the peasantry would've learned about the outlandish sex acts contained within. I mean, I didn't even know that would fit in there!

It may just be a reference to the Floating Continent of FFVI though.

If you're a level 19 hyudra, I guess it is a different world. I couldn't imagine what sucking as hard as you do feels like.

Anyway, on to more rare battles! I hate these things so much now, but I said I would do all of them.

But before that I break the rules of decency.
Or so I thought. Turns out compared to the other stuff I do this isn't all that strong.

While resetting a lot to get the battle to appear I take the chance to blow up four squids at once.

So many of these rare battles are fights against 5 humans. I'm beginning to think the idea is that you'd run into a party not unlike your own.
Except I've got Agrias and a Tiamat.

Shellbust Stab's incantation. These fights aren't very exiting unless you really, really like Lightning Stab and Holy Explosion.
If you do, tell me and I'll be sure to include every fuckin' Lightning Stab and quadruple the length of these updates.

Let's Play with summons!

He's a huge fucking dragon!

He's charging up a gigantic blast of energy and-

At this point something goes wrong with the emulator. Most of the rest of the summon is just so white, all you can make out is the shading on Bahamut's wings, and only barely at that.

It hits a huge area for heavy nonelemental damage, so I can't quite hate it.

Melly gets clothes? Sweet.

I've been neglecting this volcano because it's just a bunch of gimmicks in one map.

The first of which is that it is literally the only map in the entire fucking game that uses lava tiles, so it's the only fucking map in the entire game in which Move on Lava is useful.

This King Behemoth means it's the rare battle!

So, yeah, lava. In one of these lava tiles there's a move-find item tile.

There's also one aaaaaaaaaallllllllll the way up here. I think it's one of the few tiles with only one item. That item also happens to be unique.
Unless ninjas throw it but I am so tired of that qualifier.

A unit without Float or Walk on Lava can't walk on lava tiles at all. Full stop.
Remember how I mentioned the item panel in the lava? Well, nothing has Walk on Lava or Move-Find Item innate so a unit can't have both so you can't get the item in the lava. Whoops.

Also Eldena has Monster Skill equipped right now. Dark Whisper is pretty cool I think.

It hits 6 times in the selected area. Each hit is a lot weaker than Triple Flame/Thunder but they have a pretty good chance of inflicting sleep. Or dead. On each hit.

But ghosts like Darkness elemental attacks like Dark Whisper (also Smash Lampjaw moves really far and Eldena isn't close right now) so this guy gets burned.

Sword.10 Wp, 10% evade. Does something that I cannot possibly explain until later.

Well, let's fuck up this Behemoth with Dark Whisper since I went through all the trouble of bringing it here.

I don't get enough chances to play with the forces of fell nights.

First hit sleeps the behemoth.

Second hit deads the behemoth.

The other four rub it in that he died on the second hit.

lets make this shit work

where doing it man


So yeah Beowulf gets one of the monk's crystal and learns a bunch of stuff. Those monks and red chocobos are the pass's rare battle. They can't all be interesting like Knight vs. Minotaur.

He also gets Concentrate so I can slap Faiths and Sleeps past Crystal Shields and Feather Mantles. Faith is affected by evasion! The nerve of it all!

The version with red X's I post sometimes is the one I use to track completed rare battles as I complete them. This version, with the black X's, I use for updates.