Part 72: St. Murond Temple

So, pleasant things are going on in the notVatican, right?


Vormav pulls his sword from the High Priest's body.

Funeral reaches for Vormav, desperate for help, anything.

Vormav and Kletian leave.

Rofel has... different ideas.

Now back to Ramza's group, outside the impressive building with no idea of what's going on inside.

Good gravy they've reduced "being Ramza" to a heretical act. Soon they'll call him the root of all evil.

The only real interesting thing here is the Summoner's Dragon Rod. It has one more WP than the Wizard Rod, but not the elemental boosts or MA increase that made previous rods worth using. Remember, at no point did I have either a Rod or a Poison Rod.

Including this fight, there are 9 story battles left. This is one of two that isn't a boss fight.

I thought the church would hire people who actually believed in the religion. Guess not.
One of the panels here has a Hi-Ether as the common find and a Hi-Potion as the rare, which is backwards but not really worth going through the effort of finding.

And we have multiple people who just really don't give a hoot about the supernatural.

The Javelin II, Jump, and Sleep are best friends. They, combined, make hitting the damage cap a breeze.

And a Kikuichimoji later and the battle is over! This battle is really heavy on mages and of them the Summoner could be the only real threat.

Hey! Ramza got hit once so they replenished my X-Potion for me.