Part 76: The First Floor: NOGIAS

Oh hey a cutscene in Warjilis Trade City!

Well that sounds like an interesting pla-

Oh dear, the argument is heating up.

Best heed those words, Ramza.

FFT has a bonus dungeon, of all things! The bar patrons got the darkness and the treasure right, but the dangers are more from very high level monsters than magicians in particular. The first floor has +5 on your highest level, while the bottom has at least +20!

Ramza's going to have Teleport and the Javelin II for most of this. He spends most of his time screaming since the other four use ranged attacks and Ramza's melee.

And Rafa spends her time invisible and finding items, the treasures that guy mentioned. The way this will work is that I play each floor twice. In the first battle, I find the way to the next floor. The second, Rafa joins and finds the treasures.

Nogias is Saigon backwards. What does this mean? Earlier someone said it's a Apocalypse Now reference. I haven't seen it, so I can't say.

Listen to this song. Eighty times. That's the audio side to the DD.

The visual is even less interesting.

They meant dark. You can't see a thing in here. Characters are even darkened a little.

Each floor has 4 formations. There's A bunch of one type of enemy, two mixed groups, like this one, and 4 units of varying jobs.

It's a gradual slope down, but each level is about three panels wide so Teleport is really good here.

Like s-

That was way too easy. One of five specific panels is selected to be the way to the next floor. Clear NOGIAS without finding it, and the next level won't open up.
At least it's always one of five tiles, and if you find the right tile it always leads on to the next floor.

I love Math Skill. Eldena actually ends up overleveled really quick due to killing everybody.

Norma eventually overtakes her as the all-star with all the levels since Math Skill is clumsy to use sometimes.

Stalactites. Stalactites everywhere. Stalactites all up in this shit.
Most of the Deep Dungeon is Stalactites, if you couldn't guess.

Man, Orlandu would do better here since Agrias is a bit short of one-hit kills very frequently. But you guys voted to not use him so I'm not using him.
I just want to.

You get tons of money because there's a lot of high level enemies. Cracking 50,000 a fight in the lower floors isn't unusual.
I had a plan for the 2nd fight. But Ramza doesn't have invite and running Talk Skill on Eldena is silly.

So before I can even establish a system I have to break it.

Shittons of goblins! For the most part I ignore the tons of one thing battles because, well, they usually aren't interesting.

Droppin' goblins like a mofo is the only reason I kept this one.

Whatever works!

This works!

Sleep lasts for 60 clockticks, or, in less

This guy has good compatibility with Beowulf so he'll never see the light of day again.
...Then again he lives in the Deep Dungeon.

Ice3's incantation. Ramza has enough JP for Invitation so goblins are going to die.

So now we're ready to really wrap up Nogias.

Some backstory: Agrias has Feather Boots on because someone said that floating characters were on the "Sky" terrain.

But that isn't the status effect for it, so there goes that.

I intended to quit there and go back to resetting a lot.
But I was resetting for that Time Mage you see right there. A special Time Mage.

The lack of a Bracer really hurts Agrias's Lightning Stabs.

The Time Mage isn't particularly good at magic.

Rafa finds the one item of value here. There's a Kiyomori, a katana I can buy, and some Elixirs. I want to wrap this up really bad.
Every common find here is a phoenix down. Pull one and welp, sucks to be you.

Invitation works really quick for me.

That's a male Time Mage's sprite by the way.

Beowulf really expands his statue collection here, since sometimes petrifying an enemy with 700 HP is easier than killing it.

This is the famous crossdressing Time Mage. For some reason she has a male portrait and male battle graphics. If it weren't for how I've done nearly every proposition in Ivalice and less than 200 JP in Squire I'd get her to Dancer, where she has Bard sprites.
Note how she's level 52. Now the Deep Dungeon is working off of her levels.

That Glacier Gun shoots fire bullets. It and the Blaze Gun put on the wrong name tags, I guess.