Part 79: The Fourth Floor: VALKYRIES

The Ritual of Soul Transfer is the strangest plot device, but that is not here nor there.

Kinda similar to Nogias, Valkyries forms an S-shape with a descent the farther you get.

However, Valkyries has a much less dramatic height difference and there are gaps of impassable darkness between the lines.

Using Math Skill Holy kind of mitigates the whole point of the floor's shape.

Moogle isn't quite enough to recover from that, darling.

Especially considering how constantly she's pelting you.

I hate birds so much. So very much.

Theresa really sucks at her job, but I applaud her effort.

Too bad she has to die, huh?

This guy too since that Marlboro is the sleeping guy this time. Yet, the Marlboro is sitting on one of the possible exits.

I was lucky, huh? The battle is ended really quickly.

This is the last battle Eldena is a priest. She's just got Cure4 left before mastering it, too. Kinda sad.

Shock! is Beowulf's one spell he doesn't share with Oracles. It deals damage equal to his lost HP over a comically gigantic range.
...But I set up Beowulf to not be hit so it's not really gonna do much.

Back to Warjilis for...

A bunch of katanas! We're talking a lot of them, since the Deep Dungeon shits gil and there's nothing left to buy but more katanas.
I mean, I have 15 Muramasas now.
Also I restock X-Potions.

Four dudes battle? Oh well, I've got Rafa so I'm essentially running four dudes.

These 4-height panels have the three new items. One is bleh, one is pretty good, and one is fucking wonderful.

A female Aries with high faith? Beowulf can't possibly miss now.

Like so.

This is the pretty good one! Third strongest shield in the game, and helps you offensively, strange for a shield.

This is the bad treasure.

Since Rafa has found everything, what better time to cut her Brave for no reason?

Well, I guess that KFC guy wasn't making it up after all.
Still charged me five bucks for it.

She even gets the staff from the dead summoner.

So now motherfuckers are dying so I can use this Faith Rod faster.

An elemental damage boost on a shield! The Kaiser Shield is kind of awkward to use most of the time, but regardless it's a step above the Crystal Shield.

Can I move on?

Oh god yes yes yes I love the Faith Rod so much it's just so good. Auto-Faith does so much for Eldena's first turn.

Her damaging spells will hit harder, more importantly and her status spells will hit much more reliably without having to depend on Beowulf's temporary Faiths.
The Deep Dungeon is getting fun, isn't it? We're starting to pick up the wacky toys!