Part 81: The Sixth Floor: TIGER

Remember how I've got three guys in squire variants at level 8 doing things?
Spillover JP is a wonderful thing.

Beowulf gets about 20% cooler with his own Excalibur. I haven't said much on it but he's really been wanting Haste like the girls have or a way to increase speed easily like Ramza. His hatless nature was aggravating the problem, but now he's okay.
It also makes a mass Holy easier to arrange when to people absorb it.

Didn't post this last update, but that Iga Knife is a bit of an upgrade over a Spell Blade, if you don't mind missing the Don't Act effect.

So many katanas...

Orlandu's joining the fight! People wanted to see him in a fight, and what better time than Tiger!?
Fun thing to note, even right now, twenty levels lower, he's still outclassing Agrias.

Well I think-why are you yelling NO at me? Seriously that's really rude.

It's another S-shape map, but Tiger varies on it a bit by making the gaps jagged spires of rocks. They block bullets and arrows.
Oh, you see all those Vampires? This is Tiger's rare battle, the only rare battle in the deep dungeon, and the last rare battle in the game. It's in Tiger instead of End for some reason.

Norma: 2
Orlandu: 0
It's a competition for kills that someone wanted, so it's a competition he'll get. Behemoths make great toys for this.

Norma: 2
Orlandu: 1

Norma: 4
Orlandu: 1
I think the contest is a bit skewed in Norma's favor because she has Teleport, though.

Wall can be used in math skill. I never knew that. It's totally boggling my mind.

Norma: 4
Orlandu: 1
Ramza: 1
Can't he get in on the fun?

Norma kills one off screen and there's only 8 enemies in this fight so Norma wins by a very comfortable margin.
This doesn't quite prove anything, really. Orlandu doesn't have Teleport of Lightning Stab, so who knows how the competition would've went if both were optimized?

So what's next?
...Bridge? Gah, I'd rather stay here in Tiger. Bridge is so boring compared to Tiger and the floors after Bridge.

All but one of them become boxes.


Norma: 5
Orlandu: 1
Ramza: 1
Beowulf: 1
Somehow, Eldena's the one without kills today. Weird.

I'm not going to use Orlandu at any point ever again so why do I even bother getting him Gained JP UP?

Let's get Agrias back in here and loot Tiger.
Speaking of it, those back four panels in the deployment screen? Those are Tiger's four treasure panels.

15*14=210. Two Hundred and Ten. It's completely insignificant to me at this point.
It's weird when you consider things like this so clearly.

I do have to say crystal shields and feather mantles are still pains in the ass. I should really use Concentrate.

Samurai are usually pretty easy guys to deal with. Yet, there's Norma, teleporting around and killing huge swaths of enemies far above her level by using the same command.
It's weird when you consider things like this so clearly.

I've been waiting for these for a while now.

It deals 64 damage. See what I meant?

Rather than stress about hopping over the elixir, I just grab it with the three actual treasures.

Here's where you get one besides Germinas Peak.

The Cursed Ring is a very interesting accessory. More on that later.

Getting the item doesn't remove the trap at all. Luckily starting on a trapped panel doesn't make it trigger.

I enjoy Ice3 too much I think. Dropping giant chunks of ice on guys shouldn't be so much fun.

The Secret Clothes has Auto-Transparent on the torso with +2 speed attached! Rafa replaces that Vanish Mantle with this so she can put on some shoes.

I told you the Cursed Ring was interesting. I like flinging around Cure3 and Auto Potion too much to use it, but it's the only item that boosts PA, MA, and speed like this all at once.
And before I forget...