Part 83: The Eight Floor: VOYAGE

I think the journey is half the experience!
...And Voyage has some cool equipment.

And some OH MY GOD

Most of Voyage is dominated by this 11-height plateau, with a lower, outer bend of about 2 I think? Either way your party starts on an 11-height plateau and the enemies often meet you on it. I can't just cheese it with Math Skill like I usually do.
Oh no, I've to cheese it even harder.

So here's me taking out the rear line that start on the 10-height plateau.

Like so.

Hydras and their ilk have waaaaaaaaaay too much HP.

I think I'm trying to take this battle too fast, what with it full of level 70 hydras, hyudras, and behemoths.
Hydra's dead, though, so it's much less threatening now.

All varieties of hydra and red dragons, along with goblins, floitballs, and marlboros, are weak to ice. I still think Holy's sheer multiplier outpaces Ice3 but Ice3 has a much shorter animation and that really counts when this file is pushing 50 hours.

Besides, it hits hard enough, doesn't it? Overkilling doesn't get you anything in this game.

Shit, you got past his shield and cape?!

Well fuck you too buddy!

The treasures and most of the exits are on the lower half of the level.

Well, since we found the way to Horror, why not blow everyone to hell?

Yeah, you can do this, and you'll likely end the fight by killing every single person on the map.

Doesn't bother me that much actually.

Beowulf and Agrias absorb Holy, remember?
It's infinitely useful.

And it ends with Eldena killing herself.
Holy's formula is[CFa/100 * TFa/100 * MA * 50], and considering her Faith Rod and Magic Attack UP , it's [1*1*22*50] or 1,100 damage to herself.
Chameleon Robes and Excaliburs are kinda valuable if you play with Math Skill.

On the 2nd battle, I get eight archers, every single one of them with an Ultimus Bow, a Thief Hat, and a Black Costume.
Almost as soon as you get Black Costumes and Thief Hats available for protecting yourself from Don't Move, Don't Act, and Stop, the enemies start wearing them. You really can't play with calculating mass Stops unless you're against a bunch of monsters.
I mean, sometimes you don't want to kill everybody instantly.

Let's pick off a few of these guys, first. The 11-height plateau and the bottom area are separated by a staircase-like area, and most of the enemies spawn on that area. Eldena has auto-haste so she moves before they can, so she can get a few of them without catching everyone in the whole battle again.
This is one of the times I don't want to kill everybody instantly, then I can't get the loot.

Okay maybe sometimes I like getting a lot of people. 1 archer living still means the fight is still on.
Notice how that's a CT 5 Holy? Eldena still doesn't have a Chameleon Robe on.
So she kills herself. Again.

Can you do that? Can you kill yourself twice?
Apparently you can.

Oh dammit, Beowulf, she may aim for #3!

Sorry bitches but Ramza has a badass shield. It's bigger than most tables.

Since Norma and Ramza eventually got all in their shit, I start fucking with mass sleeps just to get the last guy out of my hair, regardless of how many of my own guys get hit.

Strongest bow in the game at 16 power. It could make your archer usabHAHAHAHA an archer usable, that's a great joke isn't it?

I just want to get this over with now so I can save the game with the best armor in the game.

Okay that's the last good treasure.

Oh neat, now I won't have to steal one!

Poor guy, he's host to a half-dozen statuses.

Not like one more would hurt.

Like I said, the Perseus Bow is the strongest bow in the game. It's use is completely hindered by being a weapon only Archers can use, and archers are terrible.

Insanely powerful with auto-shell, a wonderful tool if you aren't using an Excalibur or are dual-wielding knight swords.
If this were WoTL, Agrias would be my Tynar Rouge person so she'd start using this instead of an Excalibur for the higher power. If this were WoTL, this game would stand less of a chance because I'd have the Tynar Rouge at all though.

The Ultimus bow is the 3rd strongest bow, inexplicably on randomly generated archers of sufficient level. I think the other spot for them is a rare poach.
The strongest bow in shops is the Windlash Bow, which has a pitiful 8 WP and embarrasses you and your loved ones.

Look at the Robe of Lords. LOOK AT IT. Holy fuck, it's just so good. It improves physical attacks with the +2 PA, it aids mages with the +1 MA and the +80 MP, and to top an already amazing item off, +100 HP with the auto-protect and shell ensure an incredible degree of survivability.
Everyone wants it.

Ramza likes the auto-wall with the PA boost, it's just an all around upgrade from his Power Sleeve.

Norma loves the protection since she's so relatively squishy, and the extra point of MA is another boost to Muramasa. If she's using her summons, then the 80 MP is a godsend.

Same with Eldena, but she has the least claim to it since she stays away from the front lines and the defenses aren't enough to keep her from killing herself, since she's hitting the damage cap.

Agrias fucking loves the extra PA, and with it she's tougher than all get-out.

And Beowulf becomes some kind of immovable man who can cast Magic Sword spells all day with his huge MP, and the PA bonus makes his sword attacks much more respectable.
Everyone wants the Robe of Lords. But, after careful study and debate, Norma gets it since she's so frail with her usual Light Robe. The extra 25 HP and the auto-wall will help with that a lot. Besides, the extra MA may be the slight boost Muramasa needs to go back to dispensing OHKOs like some twisted slot machine.
All that's left is Horror, where I get the best heavy armor and fight level 85 dragons and lancers, and then the finale at End!