Part 85: The Last Floor: END, 1st
Splitting this baby into two updates since it's huge.
Agrias is tough now.

Eldena is a summoner, but I need her to have a lot of HP. We need her to survive a spell with a 96 multiplier.

It was a hoot, but the Deep Dungeon is all but over now.

This isn't the usual deployment screen for End, since there's the Deep Dungeon's only fixed battle here. Notice that missing panel in the back.

That's a lot of Apanda statues.

Of course, the old wizard has a zodiac stone, one inscribed with the lost zodiac symbol, Serpentarius.
It really sucks for games like this that Serpentarius is now a regular part of the Zodiac, huh? Soon no one will know why this guy's sign is special.

And he becomes the legendary snake handler...

...Go with Keeper of Precepts. It's cooler.

Also the Apanda statues become real Apandas.

Say hi to FFT's very own bonus boss!

Also there's this purple guy behind us.

Don't worry, he's a friend! Also he's the last special character.

He's also got a command that does... things.

Elidibs surrounds himself with level 60-some Apandas. They're annoyances more than dangerous. Their high HP accents this.

Legendary demon who governs the serpent planet drifting in the sky. Tries to
drain the world by spitting a flame of evil.
IMMUNE: Crystal, Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Silence,
Blood Suck, Treasure, Float, Reraise, Transparent, Berserk, Chicken,
Poison, Regen, Charm, Sleep, Don't Move, Don't Act, Death Sentence,
INNATE: Cannot enter water, Short Charge, Counter
HPM: 100 | MPM: 150 | SpM: 90 | PAM: 50 | MAM: 125 | Move: 4 | C.Ev: 03%
HPC: 10 | MPC: 8 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 70 | MAC: 50 | Jump: 3 |
Also, I emphasized Ice there because it's pretty unusual for a Zodiac Demon to have an elemental immunity. Also, notice the lack of a resistance to Stop and Innocent.
Elidibs has only his Dark Cloud command, which contains four spells. One is Poison Frog, which inflicts Poison and Frog at an alarming frequency. Snake Carrier is a physical attack that he'll never unless his MA gets cut down. The third is Midgar Swarm, which deals a flat MA*24 and I would LOVE to have on Norma.
His 4th spell is Zodiac, the legendary last summon, with the highest damage multiplier in the game at 96. For reference, Holy has a multiplier of 50.
In order for your summoner to learn it, the summoner has to get hit, and survive. This is going to be fun.

But first, clearing some things out.

Elidibs has around 3,300 HP so he can take quite a few lumps.

Some of his apandas aren't so lucky.

Snow Wind here would cause issues with learning Zodiac if I left him alive, but killing him means he doesn't join. So Beowulf makes him a statue.

Ramza tells Eldena that these things she's been using this entire time aren't real. Huh.
The easiest way to lower the damage Zodiac does is to lower Faith, since it's still a Faith-based spell. You can't learn Zodiac if it doesn't deal damage, so Norma's faith has to be low but not 0.

Apandas are even more minor with cut Faith.

I love Muramasa, it doesn't care about how much you believe in some sky wizard.

Holy does care, but I'm not bothered by it when it wipes up all these stupid Apandas.

Since Zodiac is liable to kill everybody BUT Norma, Eldena throws around Reraises.

Well, aren't we just rude.

Quite rude indeed.

Yeah, his Midgar Swarm would deal 360 damage with his 15 MA, so this has to be Zodiac

It's a rightly brutal spell if it can actually resolve. Probably one of the most damaging things in the entire game.

Elidibs has about 3,300 HP so he can take a few lumps while charging.

Maybe I can make Ramza not believe in magical snakes that control the laws of the universe?

Nope. Sorry buddy, we'll make a nice urn for what's left of you.

Just one last Solution before Ramza goes to the...
Wait, Ramza's Faith is still a decent 70 even though he's been telling Norma things that kill her faith. How is he immune to his own rea-

Zodiac's incantation.

Oh hi there, Mr. giant snake with 6 wings and infinite cosmic power.

Wait what are you doing.

Oh sweet christmas that's a lot of lasers.

Infinite cosmic power = lots of lasers and giant explosions. Works for me.

51 damage.

Yeah, just so we won't have to go through all that again.

103 damage when she tries to cast it back. I think I hit her Faith a little too hard.

So eat tormented souls of the damned, or whatever Muramasa is!

And another Holy!

Yeah, I think I could've used one or two fewer Solutions.

And a now Holy Explosion!

She was level 52 before, and got 43 experience. Counting off the 10 base yield, and the 10 from a kill, that's 23 levels he has on her so Elidibs is level 75.

Wouldn't be FFT without an explosion.

And now we have a nice lawn ornament!