Part 86: The Last Floor: END, 2nd

I got Zodiac, but at what cost?!?
...15 Faith, actually. If I want her to even use that Zodaic right I'd have to hand over the Faith Rod.

Despite being unique, apparently, this Byblos doesn't have a quote and a random name.

It has a fancy filigree for some reason.

I don't need this guy around anymore, now that Diana is out of the party.

This is End's normal deployment screen.
...A 3x3 square like so many other places.

A shitton of hydras and hyudras and red dragons are waiting for us!

Mass Ice3, wonderful ain't it?

Okay, this is the wonderful part.

The crazy upward spiral that End is shaped like lets a brave enterprising young wizard teleport to the rear of enemy lines and fuck shit up.

Shit: fucked up.

Then she grabs a whole dragon head with her bare hands.

Stupid nonbeliever dragons not wanting to go into comas.

There, a mass Faith solves everything.

Strongest katana in the game, with a Draw-Out that has an insane 30 multiplier, nearly twice of her favorite Muramasa.
If only Norma had the 820 JP to spend to get it, but she's almost never a samurai now...

Strongest weapon in the game at 40 WP, with an auto-regain that can petrifies on hits if anything that could survive a sword with 40 fuckin' WP wasn't already immune to it.

I still have a strange obsession with covering monsters with statuses.

It would be so pretty, watching Norma's damage shoot up to almost twice of what it is now...

40 WP. It's immense.

Wild Urbios and even a Porky! They're sitting on the top of the spiral, so they can all be hit with a height 3 or 5 thing and the battle can end instantly.
Or Norma could warp up there and kill all of them with a single Muramasa but that's a pretty long teleport.
But this isn't what I'm here for. Let's start the battle again and-


Oh jumping Jesus on a pogo stick we're going to die. Level 90 Tiamats.

We're going to die. Horribly.

Here, eat the strongest summon in the whole fucking game you terrible lizard!

That... that isn't close to killing it.

Luckily there's 4 other panels open so all three hits miss her. She'd be hit for about 500 each time.

Oh thank god it's asleep.

I don't care that I caught part of my own party, at least they aren't dead.

I hit it with a Demi2, thinking magic doesn't wake people up in this game.

It wakes people up in this game.

Oh god she barely survived

1,026 damage in a single turn. This Tiamat has made everyone in my party look pitiful in terms of sheer output.


Norma, way on the other end of the world, cleans up the guys over here.

I hit it with a Stasis Sword, hoping Stop applies. It doesn't but he's still in critical.

Eldena gets it with her sleep, which Beowulf has trouble sticking. It's asleep and at critical HP and Eldena has had Train this whole time.


And he's dead.

Oh wow I got the swing finally.

And that's how I got a level 89 Tiamat.

I got this one instead of the level 91 one because it has higher MA.

And he's now the new Smash Lampjaw. A new model for a new age, for a new America.
Now I just need something awesome for Byblos...

Oh wait.

Two Wizards both at job level 8 spamming commands most of the day and neither gets close to mastering the job. Sheesh.

Silence-inflicting. Why not at this point.

With all this Deep Dungeon money, I travel to Dorter and pick up my Ribbon.

And four more Chantages.

And all my missing X-Potions.

And twenty Muramasas.
I think we're ready for the end of the game. We're going to Orbonne Monastery to end this.