Part 87: Orbonne State Book Repository

Have I mentioned this is a one-way road? There's no way out once you step on here, it's the beginning of the end.

The first battle is the only one without a boss, so Smash Lampjaw2 comes along to end it faster.

Leaving us with the rabble, huh?

Books, perhaps? Some of these books are so big you can stand on them.

The enemies are scaled for coming here pretty much straight after Murond, so since we've done the Deep Dungeon these guys are bigger jokes than usual.

This archer has a rare and valuable bow for.. some reason.

It's so wonderful not to be caught with a bunch of level 70-some monsters with well over 600 HP though.

Not that that matters for Eldena, who is hitting the damage cap with her Holy pretty frequently.

It doesn't acutally hit, something I suspected would happen, but you can see from the predicted damage why this level 89 Tiamat is a big deal.

Worst compatibility, probably. Ramza would hit for 510 himself if it were neutral.

You're a damned fool if you think this will work.

Despite his attacks being either magical or percentile, Smash Lampjaw2 still has excellent PA.

People were skeptical when I first brought up a Wizard/Samurai waaaaaaaay back when. I hope that those people understand the point now.

Oh dear, something terrible is happening.