Part 89: Murond Death City and Lost Sacred Precincts

Of course, you still have to fight a bunch of guys even down here.

We're in the old capital of Ivalice, the seat of the empire that condemned Ajora to death, that was destroyed in series of natural disasters...

Kletian is waiting for us with a retinue of guys.

Besides the Mace of Zeus, Kletian's boring. Same spells as last time, same crippling lack of competency. MA Save and Fly are interesting touches though.

Ninjas are ninjas of course.
Notice all the Feather Mantles. The endgame loves the shit out of feather mantles.

Bad compatibility? Eh, Kletian and Norma never really had a chance.

Then again this piece of shit said Ramza doesn't love Punching Demons so I doubt it can be that accurate.

Eldena petrifies a few guys for the hell of it.

And Beowulf essentially cuts out Kletian's legs from underneath him. All he has besides his All Magic is his staff. Oh dear, he'll hit us for 72!
Once again my brutality cuts out some mid-battle conversation.

I think this is Agrias literally cutting out Kletian's legs from underneath him.

Kletian's troops just stand there, flabbergasted.
Or calcified in a couple of cases.

I give Ramza the secret clothes so he'll be invisible too. I like having a bunch of invisible guys sneaking up on the boss.

Also Tiamat Time again.

This is one of the neater level names to me and you can go away if you don't think it's cool.

Is that... Balk? Wait, is that a Tiamat with him!?

But he's invisible.

Balk's chemist friend has a Glacier Gun.

Balk himself has a Blast Gun.

I think this is the only Tiamat in the entire game outside of End or Bariaus Valley's rare battle.

This bridge is the only way across the chasm in the middle for characters who can't fly or teleport.

This battle is pretty hard if you don't know what you're doing. Tiamats and Hydras are monsters, Balk and his buddy have pretty strong weapons, and the Dark Behemoth will plug up the bridge.

Ramza and Norma teleport over, still invisible. They'll only break it to shove shit up Balk's ass and kill him again.

Balk attempts to disable Smash Lampjaw2.

But he's pretty good about evading things.

Balk might not have such luck.

Oof! That's gotta hurt!

Oh, the second one missed! Will he evade all three?

Nope, the guy got cremated.

Maybe if you could state a 'noun' without having 'quotes' around it for once in your twisted un-'life' 'things' would've been 'different'.

Saving a third file for... some reason.