Part 91: The Bloody Angel

You get a chance to change your equipment one last time. The war trophy for Hashmalum is a whole Ragnarok, actually.

Once again, St. Ajora is risen.

Yet not all is as it seems.

The magics binding Ajora and Alma together weaken!

And Alma is repelled from the phony saint!

She summons a number of Ultima Demons.

Ajora releases a gigantic burst of energy!

The propellers and masts are blown away!

Ajora has now taken the form of the Bloody Angel, Altima!

This is it, this is FFT's final boss.

Alma's a guest in a souped up Cleric with a Ribbon on top. She can learn Ultima during this fight, actually.

Set free by truth, which controls the universe. His deeds rise above good and
IMMUNE: Crystal, Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Silence,
Blood Suck, Treasure, Oil, Reraise, Transparent, Berserk,
Chicken, Frog, Poison, Regen, Stop, Faith, Innocent, Charm, Sleep,
Don't Move, Death Sentence
INNATE: Auto-Float, Martial Arts, Short Charge, Teleport 2
HPM: 70 | MPM: 90 | SpM: 118 | PAM: 113 | MAM: 120 | Move: 5 | C.Ev: 11%
HPC: 12 | MPC: 10 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 40 | MAC: 46 | Jump: 4 |

I don't know why I bother when she has so little HP at this point.

I guess those Ultima Demons had to die for some reason.

Just 325? These last few Zodiac Demons really don't have too much HP do they?

She has Absorb MP of all reaction abilities. Huh.

Ramza shoves the Chaos Blade up her ass for 800 damage. It's fatal.

Level 66, huh? Strange level for a final boss.

Altima disappears.

Wait, what's tha-

Oh my.

This isn't good!

The Bloody Angel reveals her true form!

It wouldn't be a FF game if the final boss didn't have two forms!

Like with Velius and Adramelk, it's two-part fight, so your team gets a lot of CT. Alma applies MBarrier on herself with her turn.

Ultimate being, status achieved by a holy angel. Brings chaos or order and
beginnings or ends to worlds.
IMMUNE: Crystal, Dead, Undead, Petrify, Invite, Confusion, Silence,
Blood Suck, Treasure, Oil, Reraise, Transparent, Berserk,
Chicken, Frog, Poison, Regen, Stop, Faith, Innocent, Charm, Sleep,
Don't Act, Death Sentence
INNATE: Auto-Float, Face Up, Short Charge, Teleport 2
HPM: 125 | MPM: 100 | SpM: 150 | PAM: 120 | MAM: 130 | Move: 8 | C.Ev: 10%
HPC: 10 | MPC: 15 | SpC: 95 | PAC: 38 | MAC: 48 | Jump: 5 |
Oh yeah, and All-ultima, her addition to "crazy over elaborate ultimate attacks" that final bosses have had since the Emperor's Starfall 10.

Also she's really faithful.

Did I mention Altima is a Virgo? The final boss is a Virgo too.
You should plan around Virgo.

Oh Agrias, you are so far behind everyone in terms of DPS!

Shit, that's a LOT of HP if Drain's hitting that hard.

She has Face Up now, for some reason.

Ramza shoves the Chaos Blade up her ass for 800 damage. It's fatal.

Level 76? That's a more proper level for a FF final boss.

Are you sure that's such a good idea, Altima?

She can't contain the power!

Her own body disintegrates!

The energy triggers explosions all over the airship!

The Airship itself explodes!!