Part 93: Squire
...Shit, I forgot to not mention the cross-dressing Time Mage.New rule: No one is allowed to discuss the cross-dressing Time Mage until I recruit him/her.
To make up for that, I'll start a little series:
Job disection: Squire

Basic job for all units. The starting point to becoming a fine warrior.
EQ: Knife, Sword, Axe, Flail, Hat, Clothes, Accessory
HPM: 100 | MPM: 75 | SpM: 100 | PAM: 90 | MAM: 80 | Move: 4 | C.Ev: 05%
HPC: 11 | MPC: 15 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 60 | MAC: 50 | Jump: 3 |
+Learns Accumulate, a nice skill for grinding
+Move+1 and Throw Stone are good early game skills
+Gained JP Up allows quick development
+Has Monster Skill
+Heal gets rid of Blind and Poison for free, and those are the most common statuses early in the game.
-Low HP, MP, PA, MA, and average Speed. Basically, they suck.
-Poor damage dealing ability outside of "Accumulate, hit with sword"
-Lack of support or healing.
-Special characters don't even have Squire, instead they have their special job(or is that a pro?)
Squires essentially exist for allowing characters to work in other jobs. Their abilities aren't strong, but they help you get started. Using them outside of chapter 1 is a bad idea, and using them even in chapter 1 past the first few battles isn't the best plan.
Special characters replace Squire with their special jobs, as Ramza and his guests have done (with special jobs still named Squire, but dammit they're different!) but generic Squires can still give spillover JP to special jobs. Ramza and Bulk were using this until Ramza was 4 JP away from Yell.