Part 94: Chemist
Tallgeese posted:
Agreed. Who in hell is going to use any offense spell except Holy or Flare?
I use Bolt until I can get those. They cost a lot of JP and Bolt only costs 50.
Don't feel like updating right now for whatever reason, so I'll dissect another class.
Job dissection: Chemist

Chemist who prescribes items to restore HP and treat abnormal status. Item throw ability.
EQ: Knife, Gun, Hat, Clothes, Accessory
INNATE: Throw Item
HPM: 80 | MPM: 75 | SpM: 100 | PAM: 75 | MAM: 80 | Move: 3 | C.Ev: 05%
HPC: 12 | MPC: 16 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 75 | MAC: 50 | Jump: 3 |
+Reliable, instant healing
+MP healing
+Guns are pretty good weapons
+Innate Throw Item allows for 4-panel range without taking up support ability.
-Terrible stats
-Little damage ability, as guns deal fixed damage and knives are weak
-Not good with most secondary abilities
-High-end White magic and summon magic out-heals the chemist over an area
-Phoenix Downs are the weakest form of revival
-Buying lots of items may get expensive
Unlike the Squire, which is just a gateway to better classes, the Chemist still has some merits by having innate Throw Item. Chemists may not have the raw recovery power of magic, but potions don't cost MP, require charge time, nor are they subject to the whims of Faith or zodiac compatability. A Potion is healing 30 HP. When not healing, chemists falter on offense. Low PA and MA restrict their options, and though guns have innate concentrate, their damage formula don't lend themselves to a lot of damage. You go from 36 with the first gun, to 64 with the second, then you sit on your ass until you steal a magic gun or poach a behemoth.
Magic guns are faith-based, though, so an end-game Chemist might make use of Faith-based magic like Time or Yin-Yang, where MA isn't a very big factor. Or, take advantage of a gun's range and innate concentrate with a Knight's break skills to shoot people's clothes off, which I am planning to do with Fist.
Basically, Chemists aren't going to kill people, but they'll keep your party safe.