Part 97: Wizard

In honor of Norma making this game essentially a joke, I'll do Wizard next.
Job dissection: Wizard

The Wizard controls the elements which make up this world. Often uses attack magic, 'Black Magic'.
EQ: Rod, Hat, Clothes, Robe, Accessory
HPM: 75 | MPM: 120 | SpM: 100 | PAM: 60 | MAM: 150 | Move: 3 | C.Ev: 05%
HPC: 12 | MPC: 9 | SpC: 100 | PAC: 60 | MAC: 50 | Jump: 3 | |
Requires level 2 Chemist. Level 2 unlocks Time Mage. Level 4 is one of the requirements for Calculator.
+Giant, I mean GIANT MA score. Best in the game, in fact
+Good MP score
+Magic Attack UP, which is totally unfair
+Elemental spells can be boosted by equipment
+Rods provide elemental boosts, MA, and auto-faith for more spellcasting awesomeness
+Gets Toad for disabling enemies without killing them
+Good with every other MA-based ability
-Low HP
-Despicable PA
-Mostly useless when MP is out (unless you use unfair things)
-No healing without absorption
-Probably something else but I am too biased to care
If you can't tell, I think Wizards are the bomb. The mass of MA they hold puts the amount of magical damage they do way over the top. Don't like them guys over there? Hit 'em with magic. Don't like a boss? Blow it to bits. Wanna farm some JP? Make a guy a frog so he can't hurt you. Good use of wizards will level battlefields, while bad use will level the wizard. Take care of the guys and gals, and you'll find that the power is well worth the price.
Until you get into shit like I do and have a teleporting wizard throw around instant unavoidable 400+ damage over an area. That can inflict statuses. And doesn't hit allies. Then you really don't have to care anymore.