Part 20: Suddenly, High Technology!
Chapter 18: Suddenly, High Technology!

This otherwise unnoticeable island harbors a dark secret.

Death robots!

Death robots a beastmaster's soothing words can control.

Death robots we can make explode at themselves.

That give 500 experience a pop.

Also, Missile is blue magic. It reduces the target's HP to 1/4th.

I could've gotten to Jachol as soon as I got the fire-powered ship, but the walk is long and Bio Soldiers scare me.

I could tell this kid I flew over them on my magic bird.
But I won't. Because being a pompous asshole isn't possible in this game.

The Coral Sword is lightning elemental, and a big chunk of the upcoming enemies are robots. Mage Mashers are nonelemental daggers that cause Silence sometimes upon hitting and give 1 magic.
Considering that I'm in the middle of the 'magic fucks everything up' part of the game(read: most of it), I don't exactly need more than maybe a Coral Sword for Burtz to spellblade.
I think 4, 10, and maybe 1 are the only FF games that keep physical attacks and magic about equal through most of it.

On the idea of controlling enemies, the Black Flame's Dark Spark is Blue magic. It halves level, rounding down, and can screw over a lot of stuff when paired with Lv. 5 Death.

Anyway, let's fly back to Gohn and ask King Tycoon just what the fuck that hole was about!




The word pumice comes to mind.

Huh. I wonder if all meteorites have switches like that.

I've always imagined Adamantite as green for some reason.

...It never ends, does it?

Rods broken: 9
Otherwise, he's an annoying prick who attacks twice a round.

Cid, Cid, Cid, Cid, Mid, Mid, Mid, and Mid install the Adamantite at blazing speeds!

Whatever, I'll smash it!

...Goddammit, Burtz.

Oh fuck!