Part 22: Everyone keeps their mouths shut.
Chapter 20: Everyone keeps their mouths shut.

I can't even remember if this dungeon has a real name. I've called it every combination of flying, Ronkan, and ruins out there.

I don't know who these guys are, why they're in these ruins, how they're alive if they're actual Ronkans, or why they have such high defense.

That's right, motherfuckers. Armor made of solid fucking gold.

Stone Masks, I've seen, do nothing but die to Ramuh.

The ruins are pretty complicated. There's several side paths and invisible paths.

!Control nets you two fancy Blue Magic spells here.

White Wind, from the enchanted fans, heals the whole party by however much HP the caster has. It ignores reflect and shares a spell list with Aeroga, Mighty Guard, and Level 5 Death. It's kinda neat.

Lamias, for whatever goddamn reason, have 1,000 needles and only cast it when controlled.

It works exactly as advertised.

I'm obsessive about Blue Magic. So what?

A shield made of gold. Despite all evidence to the contrary, Gold Shields and Mythril Shields weigh the same.

Sometimes, I wonder if I really know where I'm going.

Technicolor toads, snake women, and flying magic pinwheels unite in their utter contempt for the party.

Since Red magic only goes up to level 3(Esuna isn't in it), I wonder what the next level of Red Magic is? It's not like I already know it's !Dualcast or anything.

I guess we won't be seeing it for a while then.

When Burtz flips the fuck out, he flips the fuck out.

I turn Galuf in to a Sorcerer to use equipment I'm about to get and Faris in to a geomancer to avoid a trap I already know is there.

There's a hole here. Try to avoid it. Geomancers avoid trap holes by spasming when you try to step on one.


Throwing stars!

Swords that make enemies old!

Throwing weapons that are polite enough to return!

A strength increase!

Geomancers cast some pretty strong spells with !Earth sometimes.

Mean monsters coming up.


Too bad Hydras don't give a fuck about paralysis.
Also Hydras are like really rare and this dungeon can't be visited again when you complete it.

...Is that King Tycoon?

Shit hits the fan really, really, really hard! This was pretty much the only image that didn't spoil anything!