Part 23: Everyone but the Villain sucks at their jobs, Or, Melodrama Pt. 2
Chapter 21: Everyone but the Villain sucks at their jobs, Or, Melodrama Pt. 2

Why is the king talking like an uncultured cur?

In reality, the only time Archie here has a weakness is at the start, when he's weak to wind. Otherwise, he absorbs fire, ice, or lightning. At all points, he's immune to earth as he's flying in the air or something.

He's no slouch when it comes to offense. He's got a powerful Breath Wing, Blaze, Thunder, and strong physicals. Faris spends a good chunk of the fight spamming Cura.

Shirukens are worth the 2500 gil sometimes.

Rods broken: 13
It's not 'at will,' either. Archie has 4 forms with 1600 HP each-when one reaches 0 HP, the next form appears-and it's always in the order of wind/ice/fire/lightning. Each form uses a different spell.

After beating the 4th form, Archie dies...

...Then undies.

Revived Archie ups the ante by about 239 notches. He casts wildly Flame, Breath Wing, Maelstrom (pictured. Reduces those affected to single-digit HP), and has a confusion-inflicting physical attack. He now is immune to Earth, Wind, Fire, Ice, and Lightning.

However, Archie has one crippling problem...

He's level 20.

Faris will stop having to worry about leveling Summoner until endgame sidequests.

He then walks to the crystal chamber...

Galuf decides to go about the next segment entirely nude.

Apparently he's doing something naughty, as Galuf says...

Then something blows up...

And everyone's

Then the wall blows up!

And a little girl walks in!

And she shoots King Tycoon with her Glock!

And she's Galuf's granddaughter!?

And Galuf's amnesia... gone!

As if almost on cue...

-shit! The Earth crystal breaks!

The warlock Exdeath's seal is broken!

Exdeath then decides to ruin everyone's day to very nice music.

Burtz gets smote first for speaking up.

King Tycoon doesn't take being smote sitting down, though...

Crystals don't take well to commands.

King Tycoon uses his own life force to break the crystals free of Exdeath's magic...


Yeah, of course they escape. I haven't had control except for pressing A since I stepped in to the earth crystal chamber.

We're following him.

Hot damn! Icicles!
I really wanted to use this gag but it'd clash so much with the rest of the scene so...

The end.