Part 27: Boozin' and Dancin'
Chapter 25: Boozin' and Dancin'

Here's the map of Galuf's world. The southwest is where Exdeath is. We're going west to Regole (a town in the boondocks that still has better shops then the entirety of Burtz' world) then south to a forest you can't avoid for dumbass events.

The random encounters aren't worth the effort, most of the time.

This one is about the only thing to fight, as you might need 1066 extra gil in the stores.

Don't ask about the fairy orcs.
Anyway, the walk to Regole is fairly bland.

In the Anthologies version, it was called Lugor Bordertown. Something about that name was just cooler than Regole.

Gaia Gear is pretty awesome; it strengthens Earth magic.

Any questions?

Yeah, it's the same as the katana from Tycoon's treasury. Also, Sleep Blades are swords that put things to sleep(somehow).

Free inn.

No one sleeps.

Turns out, Galuf has a thing for getting plastered.

The whole conversation sucks though and the only exciting part is Galuf's boozing.

Burtz, time for your destiny.

Time to take the stage.

And dance with the angels!

Around 200 times.

He never does. Regole stays around for a damn long time.

Behold, 4th level magic!

Bio, Break, and Drain are each awesome in a unique way. Bio is the most awesome, though.

Blink is a pretty interesting spell that I'm sad is gone from modern FF games. Shell would be handy if the deadly magic didn't hit the full party.

Slowga hits the entire enemy party; Return restarts the battle, including steals; Comet hits for a random amount that doesn't give a damn about much. Level 4 is where Time Magic starts kicking ass.

Titan with a Gaia Gear, by the way.

The castle of Kuzar is half-way between Regole and the dumbass plot forest.

Shield Dragons are undead, have 19999 HP, automatically are behind Reflect, and have a bucket of physical defense. Also, they run rather quickly.

However, they listen to you sometimes.

They have to Blaze themselves 5 times, as it rounds down, but still, they're harmless when you control them.

Did I mention that they give 10,000 EXP when most things around here give 500?
Level grinding isn't my style, so I'm stopping this there.

Anyway, I hate this forest so I quit.