Part 28: Fucking Moogles.
Dammit, why so much

Chapter 26: Fucking Moogles.

So there's some critter in these woods.

But the dumbass falls into a hole.

Like I know why we're even doing this.

It's like water conveyor belts or something.

Titan brutalizes the random encounters with ease!

A pittance compared to what I can earn by killing.

Titan Titan Titan, woo.

That would be ~aga magic if I had it.


He's undead so Phoenix Downs kill him instantly.

I hate moogles.

They kupo a lot, you know, and do nothing else.

Hint: Deserts suck and forests don't.

Also, the forest is huge and this is the only panel that contains Moogles.

That took a good 4 minutes for no reason.

I hate moogles.

...Yeah, so.

I really don't like this part. It's so boring.

See, the Moogle goes KUPO

51 power dagger that gives magic and speed and randomly replaces attacks with dances that includes Swords Dance.

There's a stupid puzzle to getting an elf mantle.

It involves making this moogle horny.

So you get another Elf Mantle. I like Elf Mounters.


I hate moogles!

Masturbating in public, probably.

I hate moogles.

Right there.

See, it isn't that hard to find.

So they do.

So she does.

*The telepathy never comes up again.