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Final Fantasy V Advance

by Orange Fluffy Sheep

Part 29: Statue Extermination Service

Chapter 27: Statue Extermination Service

A unit of soldiers show up!

King Galuf!
Thank you for holding down the fort while I was gone.

There's been no activity since the barrier went up.
I see... and our troops?
They've been almost entirely wiped out by Exdeath's monster hordes...
I'm sorry sire.

...Well, you know!
This sure is a surprise and a half!
What, you're saying I'm not the epitome of kingliness?

So Galuf beats Burtz up in the middle of the throne room.

Just kidding! I'd just better mind my P's and Q's around you... King Galuf.

Understood, Just Galuf!
Don't push it, kid. Here in Bal, bad jokes like that will get you PUNished.

Teleport allows you to instantly leave a dungeon. I missed it so much...

Step in the pool of water and you get flushed out of the castle.

56-power sword. Like it or not, it's the second strongest regular sword in the game.

Press this switch to get flushed back in.

The weapon, item, and magic stores sell the same things as Rigole.

However, there's a hidden staircase on the roof above the shops!

The lecture on that idea is this late in the game. Huh.

The chest contains an Angel Robe, a special Chemist-only robe that protects from Poison.

Burtz, salesman extraordinaire.

But, wherever Burtz is, shops suddenly sell a lot of merchandise!

Wait, I'm the person buying all of it...

He gives us a Lamia Harp. It sucks less than the Dream Harp, but Bards suck so it's not worth much.

Who gives a damn about the door? There's something much more important in Bal's basement.

So, yeah, Bal's B2 floor has a locked door and Objets d'Art.

The Objets d'Art cast Break or hit someone for ~500 damage. They have 3300 HP and a bunch of defense. However, they have one crippling problem.

They're level 45.

The gil is substantial.

Objets d'Art don't give a lot of EXP. I like it that way. Reminds me that level grinding doesn't do a whole lot for becoming powerful.

This does.

!Jump isn't useful yet. When I do use it, you'll probably hate me for how I do so.

!Aim is for !losers.

Curaga is in this level. I can't even remember the other two spells.

!Mix is one of those skills where it seems mildly useful, then you discover Half-Elixirs, X-potions, Reincarnations, Kisses of Life, Dragon Armor, Samson Power, Panceas, and you just realize how amazing !Mix is.

Cottages because I don't give a fuck.

In reality, every spellblade but Flare Sword does nothing to damage unless the target is weak to the elemental effect. ~Aga swords and Holy Sword actually instantly kill non-Heavy enemies weak to the element.

!Drink allows the user to use the drinks like the Iron Draft and the Hero Cocktail. A hasted, protected, double HP, level 255 deathchemist with 255 attack is not at all difficult to obtain.

Sprint is the x2 speed thing.

!Zenniage can pull you out of a tight spot.

Bows aren't usually worth equipping. With that same slot you could shove in Dual Wield and kick ass.

!Steal is the thief's level 4 ability. Huh.

In other words, Blade Grasp.

Monks also get +20% and +30% later.

Twin Lances are a silly weapon that hit twice for every attack. More importantly, Ninjas can use them.

Time Magic is incredibly broken so

Vigilance prevents back attacks. With this and Ninja's first strike, enemies don't get to do crap before they die.

Really incredibly broken.

Attack and steal in one simple motion!

Flare is amazing, it's nonelemental and fucks over magic defense. Oddly enough, a rod-boosted ~aga spell deals more damage.

I like summons. Even into the endgame, they still stay relevant by obliterating random encounters.

Well, actually, I don't have any weapons worth so much yet.

Mastering a class does wacky things: Freelancers get the stat bonuses and innate skills of every mastered class. So, if I so chose, Burtz could get dual-wield and first strike with the vigor and speed bonuses ninjas have while he has access to every piece of equipment.


Everything else is just talking!