Part 30: Solid wall of plot
Chapter 28: Solid wall of plot

And so Krile's amazing talent is revealed.

But now, she's moping.


The wind drake... he's dying...


What happened?

He pushed himself too hard... He was wounded, and he shouldn't have been flying, but... He took me to find you.

He sacrificed himself to save us.

Is there any way for us to save him?

We'd need dragon grass...

Dragon grass? Will that heal his wounds?

Back home, Wind Drakes always nest near dragon grass. I expect that these drakes act the same. If we go to where drakes roost, we ought to find dragon grass nearby.

Hmm, if that's the case, then...

Well? Where do we need to go?

Our best bet is Drakenvale, the old valley of wind drakes. However, n one who's entered has ever returned...


Drakenvale is north of the castle. It's just past Quelb, the werewolf town.
A wurrwelf town? My, how quaint.

But, sire! Exdeath's monsters are waiting right outside...

Once we're clear, shut the doors and seal them tight!

Sire! If we do that, you won't be able to reenter the castle!

Yeah, kinda.

The Abductor is a complete punk.

No tougher than when Burtz dueled with him.

The Bal area outdoors aren't all that exciting.

Keep the frogs in mind.

Either way, Quelb is in a single-tile wide path. We
have to go through it.

No one is outside, and all the doors but one are locked.

And the door inside of that door is locked.

Burtz, calm down! They're our allies!

If our allies are pointing blades at us, I certainly don't want to meet our enemies!


It's been quite a while, has it not?

Sure has! Ah, Kelger here's one of the four Dawn Warriors.

He fought Exdeath with you, thirty years ago?

Who are the younglings?

Folks from the world where we sealed Exdeath.

Friends of Exdeath?

Huh? Wait-

And you've led them here?

You've got it all wrong, listen-

Stand down, Galuf!

Oh no!

So Kelger whirls around the room really fast and pokes Burtz in the butt a few times.

Burtz concentrates on his mind's eye and...

His Sapien attack breaks
all of Kelger's bones!

Hell's Bells, Kelger, always overdoing it! Why don't you act your age, for once?

Still... to foil my Lupine attack so easily... You're more skilled than you seem.

Nah, it's just a trick I learned from my dad.

From your father? What was his name?

Dorgann. What? What're you making those faces for?

No way... You can't be...

Dorgann's son...

Um, dad's name was Dorgann, and I'm his son, so... what's going on?

Well! Small worlds we live in, huh!

Dorgann was one of the four Dawn Warriors.

Wait... Dad's from this world?


We followed Exdeath to your world, and then...

How much punishment can he take? Even when we knock him down, he won't STAY down...

We'll have to seal him here.

Yeah, that's our only out.

What other choice do we have?

Look sharp, lads! He's recovering!


Now there really is no choice. He must be sealed, and we may not get this chance again!

Dorgann, we can't seal him with the crystals unless all our hearts are united. Are you with us?


Somewhat unwillingly, Dorgann joins the other Dawn Warriors in stuffing Exdeath in to the rock.

You're certain you want to stay?

But why?

Safe journey!


...Wow. That's... Huh.

How fares old Dorgann, anyway?

Three years ago, he got real sick, and... well.

I see... My sympathies.
That's Wurewilf for "You can loot my town now."

These guys deserve to lose a few material possesions! Looting Quelb and Beating up things in Drakenvale!
P.S. I apologize for all the talking. It was just there and there was nothing I could do about it.