Part 31: Naming these chapters is driving me mad, Pt.1
Chapter 29: Naming these chapters is driving me mad, Pt.1

Requiem just slaps about 2,000 damage in an undead enemy's face.

I'm so hardcore I don't need one.

Yup. Immolated. He was roasted to a pile of ash which was then scattered all across the world in a huge explosion. Tzuse is literally gone. There is practically no way to be as dead as he is. It took one of the 4 fundamental factors of the world to so thoroughly kill him.

Oh, just an old guy.

Now, toading yourself doesn't work for some reason. Probably because he makes a gourd out of the frog. Also, frogs and toads are different in some way FF keeps forgetting about.

You can break Poison Rods like any other rod, and they power up Bio!

This equipment increases vigor and defense and does nothing to weight or magic defense. Since your damage output matters a lot and magic defense doesn't, the answer is obvious.

I don't want this frog to escape, so I cover him in so many goddamn fishes that he literally cannot move.

Cast Gravity a few times so he's at 1/8 HP...

And that, my friends, is capturing a monster.
Remora isn't necessary but the frog runs sometimes.

This is pretty much one of two times I'm going to capture something.

Hey, I have over 100K from statues!

It weighs a metric-fuckton but it makes !Capture work.


Drakenvale has a pretty badass name but visually it's not much different than North Mountain.

It has a hell of a lot more cave. Gotta get the most out of that cave tileset.

If I weren't such an arrogant bastard, I could use a bard here and Requiem shit. If I did, though, I'd be using a bard. I just can't have that, you know.

However, Burtz has the situation handled.

The reason I harp on Swords Dance so much is that it quadruples damage. Tempting Tango, Jitterbug, and Mystery Waltz don't do shit compared to SWORDS DANCE MOTHERFUCKER.
I wanted to mess around with an actual dancer with a sword but google got me Pokemon. Some women standing with swords, yes, but mostly Pokemon.

Titan keeps on fucking things up.

Zombie Dragons drop Dragon Fangs. Dragon Fangs are used in !Mix to make some really overpowered stuff.

This guy keep popping up and socking a character then running away. What an asshole.

A step down from petrifying birds, wouldn't you say? Reminds me of Perilisks. Those bastards had 6 less HP than Coctrices and an Ice weakness that was kinda pointless since FIR2 killed them anyway. I can't remember if they can petrify things or not, since they never get the chance. They even showed up with Coctrices all the time so why have two enemies when one would do?

Anyway, this armor is pretty interesting.

+30 defense, +5 magic defense, -5 stamina, zombiehood.
Undeath does has its advantages, though. Death doesn't quite work, nor does Drain.

Oh shit, he has friends.

...Or not.

I would say no, but he's Golem and Golem is a great summon.

Cura doesn't quite do the damage we need.

Burtz, however, carves things open.

Burtz with a spellbade and two swords bashing things with two swords will soon become a recurring theme of FF5.

Shut up, you're in servitude now.

Golem blocks physical attacks. He stops an amount equal to 20 plus the summoners level times 50. Currently, that's 2450 damage. Golem is an extremely useful punk simply because of some of the bosses' specials inflict some nasty statuses.
Anyway, I'm really fucking tired, so I'm cutting this now and putting the rest of Drakenvale with the plot afterward.

Pointless dungeon gimmickry! Lenna gets poisoned for more dragons!