Part 32: Lenna, The suicidal Botanist.
Chapter 30: Lenna, The suicidal Botanist.

It's been 5 months since I've started this thread. When I began it, I hoped to finish it before I started school again. Now it's the break between semesters and I'm not even halfway through it. Anyway, there's a hole hidden here you have to fall in to advance.

I was stuck at this part when I was a kid. I never found this hole since it's tucked away like this.

7000 gil would be a nice bonus if I didn't have 200K from statues, huh?

Anyway, you walk through that door and press this skull switch.

It makes this path appear. I was so happy the first time I found it.

In the cave beyond, There's two paths! They're hidden pathways, but anyone with a brainstem can figure them out.

The Hypnocrown offers better defenses than the Wizard's Hat and improves !Control. It sells for a bit if neither of those interest you.

The Wind Slash is a wind-elemented katana that casts... not Wind Slash, but Gust. It happens 1/8th of the time.

In this room is the Cabin. It has a save point. This is usually the first point a Tent won't fully heal the party.

Unsurprisingly, it tries to kill them.

This is the 4rd best line in the whole game.

Let's beat up a plant!

The Dragon Pod spawns Dragon Flowers. There's 5 of the bastards and I think they each inflict a different status. However, they have pitifully low HP.

Titan rocks the shit out of the Flowers. Without them, this boss can't do damage.

Lenna flings Bios boosted by her shiny new Poison Rod.

Burtz kills the Pod, but not before it spawns all 5 Flowers.

Titan, fuck yeah.

Sounds like a plan.

Without Teleport, you'd have to walk back through the whole dungeon.
Back at Bal...

Plan B being jump in the moat.


How bad can it be?

Hot damn, that's one hell of a headache. She's ellipsing!

Burtz just lost all the cool points from "What the crap is that?"

Goddamn! Let's finish a sentence without trailing off already!

Blue filter of healing!

Blue filter of healing!

Apparently not.

Alright! To some actual plot advancement!

Flying over oceans that a boat could've easily handled!

The end.