Part 36: Deep Sea Sexstravaganza!
Chapter 34: Deep Sea Sexstravaganza!

The Oceans of Galuf's world have exactly 3 hotspots.

Our first target is the far west one on Bal's continent.

Welcome to Moore.

Welcome to Moore's magic shop.

Curaga is overly awesome. While Cura struggled to heal 200 HP to all party members, Curaga comes out of the box breaking 1,000 and only going up from there.

I'm sad to say this, but rod breaking is pretty much over now. Casting a spell with the proper rod equipped does about the same damage, and you keep a rod. The tally? 16,500 gil (20 karnak rods and 1 poison) snapped in half.

Hastega should be called Winaga for how awesome it is.

Air Knives are Wind-element knives that power up Wind-element magic. There's a damn good reason I got 2. Elven bows are pretty bleh when you remember that your last bow was called the KILLER BOW.

The armor stockpile is absolutely insane. Every bit of Diamond armor halves electric damage. Luminous Robes and Sages' Miters increase magic. The Tiger Mask has a fucking exclamation point!

And Galuf's wearing women's jewelry.

Thank you for this moral lesson.

The sub has a free inn, but only when it's docked underwater.
No, I don't expect you to understand.

The northern spot has this cave.

Though it's short, Ironbacks hit like trucks.

Tides come and go. Cities rise and fall. Empires rise to glory then fade to obscurity. Only Titan remains.

Anyway, here's what's beyond the cave. There's something in this forest.

It's a Chocobo forest.

A female Chocobo's forest.

Go Titan, Go! Crush 'em all!

Whozatwatsit?! Oh, just Catoblepas.
Wikipedia posted:
The catoblepas (from the Greek καταβλέπω, (katablépō) "to look downwards") is a legendary creature from Ethiopia, described first by Pliny the Elder and later by Claudius Aelianus. It is said to have the body of a buffalo and the head of a hog. Its back has scales that protect the beast, and its head is always pointing downwards. Its stare or breath could either turn people into stone, or kill them.
How fun!

Let's set it on fire!

I think that's karmic, Lenna.

I think Galuf punched it in the eye 8 times and it blew up.

Now, we have the last level 3 summon. Catoblepas turns one enemy into stone. It has 99% accuracy, compared to Break's 75%. Also, as a summon, it gets by Reflect.

Titan's still the rockinest ever, though.

If you need more turtle shells for !Mix, then you can certainly get them here.

Anyway, here's Ghido's cave.

Dark Aspics struggle daily against dying to how sucky they are.

These two lost.

I hate this puzzle. You have to put the rock in the right chest and it opens a door and you pull a switch and then you put the rock in a different chest and then you go through a different door to a corridor that isn't blocked now. The other two paths are blatant dead ends.

Oh Dear God, it's him.

Metamorph has 7000 HP.

He turns in to something and then uses an attack then turns back to human.

The thing is, one of his forms casts a very valuable Blue magic.

Dammit, no...

Alright, he's an Enchanted Fan!

Alright, he's casting Aeroga!

Okay, let's try that again.

No wyverns.

No Ifrits.

That's better.

Reset may seem useless when you first see it, but it ends up being your favorite spell through all the fun you can have with it.
Anyway, Aeroga is the reason behind one of those Air Knives. Sometimes, wind magic works when fire, ice and lightning fail. It also shares a spell list with White Wind.

I've been whoring Titan since I got Earth Robes. can you blame me?

I've got Aeroga. I don't need you anymore, Metamorph. Fuck you.

Oh boy oh boy, this is so dramatic looking! I know we're close!

Say hi to Ghido. He calls Burtz out on how dumb he is.

So, next time, we enter the great Forest of Moore.