The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 178: Stahl C

...Ninety-eight... ninety-nine... one hundred! Phew...

Why do you repeat that same motion over and over again?

Have you never heard of shadow fencing?

I assume it entails performing sword strikes and parries with an imaginary opponent. Is the point of the exercise pure kinetic stimulation, or is there more to achieve?

Well, by making moves second nature, you can perform better them better and faster.

Interesting. So the goal is to remember the moves in your muscles, not your mind. I think this process warrants further study. Would you mind terribly much if I observe?

In theory, no. But I've just finished for the day and I'm exhausted...

Ah. I see. that is disappointing. ...Most TERRIBLY disappointing.

B-but if you really want, I suppose I could run through a few more drills...

I believe two hundred repetitions would be sufficient to establish a baseline.

T-two hundred? Good gods, I don't have the energy for that!

...Most TERRIBLY disappointing.


Well, I suppose I can find another, more lucrative field of study. Perhaps I will just... observe this rock. Yes, this should suffice. Hmm...It's round. And smooth. Wait! ...No, it's still round.

ARGH! All right, all right. I'll do it. Just stop making me feel bad.*Sigh* Here we go. One... two... th-three...
