The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Awakening

by Tae

Part 248: Lissa B

It's about time the rain stopped, I thought it'd never-ooooooh! Look! A rainbow!

Keep your distance. I can see it from here.

Um, can you even GUARD me from that far away?!

I can close the distance in the blink of an eye.

Seriously? I'm nowhere near that fast! Here, lemme see how long it takes to-

Enough! Stop trying to get closer!

Hee hee! You're pretty sharp! ... But I'm just trying to be friendly.

How are we supposed to be best buds if you're way over there?

I'm close enough to protect you. ...And we are NOT "best buds."

Geez, what a grump! Why even bother guarding me if that's how you feel?

Because those are my orders... and morale would fall if anything happened to you.

Oh, puh-leeeeeeese! No one would care if something happened to me. Someone stronger would just roll my corpse out of the way and take up the fight...

...Do you truly not see how your presence energizes the others? How your smile and demeanor put everyone at ease?

R-really? Hee...

Sooo, what about you, Lon'qu? ...Does my smile put you at ease?

Perhaps. ...From a certain distance.

Ugh, why do I even BOTHER?! I'll see you later, grump.

Wait. I'll go with you.

No you won't! I'm going to take a bath!

But my orders... You'll be... (Lissa leaves)

Argh! Hmm, now that I think about it, there's been no sign of any attempts on her life... Either her would-be assailants are being extremely cautious...

Or perhaps this is some sort of ruse? Are she and Chrom toying with me?